Chris Suellentrop's saved articles

Chris Suellentrop

I am so sick of all these weird radical indie games.
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Had to wait for all the DLC to be out and multiplayer servers to stabilize. Read more

you took your sweet time i was expecting the review 25 years ago now i don’t know where i’m gonna find that game
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Can’t wait for the Pong review! Read more

My vault has been completely full for a few days. There are three women who are now stuck in pregnancies that won’t end and an outsider who heard the radio call who is now trapped standing outside the vault b/c I can’t invite her in. I truly have been loving this game, but now that I hit the 200 dweller limit, I’m not Read more

I love how short these episodes are! I listen to so many podcasts, I’ve made it a rule to not subscribe to new ones anymore unless the average episode is around 30 minutes or less. ‘
(I love you, filmjunk and cane&rinse, but your 2+ hour episodes are killing me!) Read more

I never realized that it meant my parents were cool, but they did in fact introduce M.U.L.E. to me!
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As a 28 year veteran of gaming, a second grade teacher and a father of two young girls, I have a lot of opinions on the matter of raising kids in a world of video games. I will focus my energy on my hottest take though - if your 12 year old is playing Witcher 3, you’re doing it wrong, and if I see one more 7-year old Read more

I tried to start my son on the classics, but he wasn’t interested in NES or SNES games at all. Sometimes he’d watch me play, but most of the time he would draw or play with his trains instead. If I asked him if he wanted to try he’d shrug and walk away. One day, he got engrossed in watching play Dark Souls, which is Read more

There’s a clear point where a reviewer of anything — game, book, movie, album, whatever — stops being about the thing and starts being about the reviewer. Sutherland’s opinions on this podcast are an absolute masterclass in that kind of non-review review. Read more

I do the EXACT same thing with Child of Light and my kids (daughter age 6 and son age 3.5). They mostly pick tactics and what to level up and even some crafting (they mostly just want to make purple stuff regardless of its benefits). It’s kind of great, but also not what I want... because it is just a passive activity Read more

I think approaching this like books is the wrong way to think of it. Yes there can be stories and there is an artistic element here but I think it works better to think of it like an activity. Look at it much more akin to coloring with your kids or playing soccer with them. The very best games for kids are all ages Read more

I don’t really listen to many podcasts other than Nightvale (so I guess here’s your chance to shriek at a stranger with the ones you think are unmissable), but I listened to this one because I wanted to hear about why JJ hated Sunset. Dude, if you’re reading this, that was the most grim contempt I have ever heard Read more

Gran Turismo. No playing until you pass the licensing tests. Read more

There is one other great starter game for people of all ages: the original Animal Crossing. Read more

My 6-year-old loves Lego games, Disney Infinity (1.0), Minecraft, and Splatoon. My 10-year-old loves Minecraft and TV-show-themed 3DS games, and dabbles in Splatoon when she’s feeling feisty. Read more

I think the truth is you’r e simply WAY overthinking it. I get it though, they’re your kids. Overthinking makes you a good parent. Trudge on and learn to convince them why or why not every single game they see is or is not the best one to play at the moment. As a 5 year old I loved the educational game Treasure Read more

This is something I’m thinking a lot about with regards to my ten month old. He has never seen a video game thus far—we don’t use TV around him, don’t play around on our phones around him, et cetera. But eventually he will know what the big black screen on the wall in the living room is, and he will know what the Read more