Just getting pumped for next year’s Ready Player One film. Been rewatching lots of ‘80s classics. I didn't even know that was a fake hyperlink until right now. Read more
Just getting pumped for next year’s Ready Player One film. Been rewatching lots of ‘80s classics. I didn't even know that was a fake hyperlink until right now. Read more
And that is why Steven Universe is the best show.
Playing the previous games in a series in preparation for a release you’re anticipating always sounds like a good idea, but in practice what ends up happening is you just burn yourself out on the world and mechanics before you even get to the thing that you were excited about. Read more
Dude, that screenshot is from super early Witcher 2 development when he still had the bug eyes and Mick Jagger lips. That pic gives me nightmares. Read more
You’re really not THAT far from the end of 2. Maybe 12-15 hours. Its worth the play through. Watch a walkthrough, or keep your phone on hand to google any “where the hell am I supposed to go” moments and you should have it done in no time.
Well, after you play W3 maybe you can go back to W2 and think of it as a “DLC-prequel.” Because its a very, very good game! Read more
Your review reminded me of this classic from Roger Ebert, reviewing something distasteful with integrity. Read more
Thanks for your review, I stopped reading after you bragged about never drinking Surge. There’s obviously something wrong with you and we wouldn’t be friends. Read more