Mass Deduction (née scrapking)'s discussions

Mass Deduction (née scrapking)

You're welcome to respond, or not. :) I run a business, I don't check Kotaku every day, but if I have a thought I'll add it. What people do with that is their business. Read more

It may have been done in Star Blazers, but not in Uchu Senkan Yamato? I'm not 100% sure on that point myself, now that I think about it. :)

And I only said I liked that symbology, not that they explicitly stated it. :) Read more

Titanfall is releasing on Xbox One on March 11th, so I think your 800K prediction for Q1 is pessimistic. Yes Titanfall is also coming for 360 and PC, but XB1 presells of Titanfall are outdistancing the other two platforms put together. Read more

You don't need to wait for the entire 30+ GB download. The last game I bought on the Xbox One I could start playing at the 29% downloaded mark. It could perhaps have been at a far earlier point than that, but that was when I happened to check on it. Read more

I wish they had run with this. I have an Xbox One, and *I have no idea if the optical drive even works*. I haven't put in a single game disc. Not a single BD. Not one DVD. Not even a CD full of MP3s. Read more

You make some interesting points. Though I liked the message of reclaiming a symbol that once stood for oppression and making it a symbol of hope. Read more

It's a matter of perspective. Does the Dreamcast belong in the same generation as the Xbox and Gamecube, or does it belong in the same generation as the PS1? Arguments can be made for both, such as the measly 128KB memory cards that matches the capacity of the PS1, and the fact that through most of the Dreamcast's Read more

I've been using a controller for input since our Pong-clone in the '70s, and regularly since we got an Intellivision in 1981 or so. I have three Xbox 360s (all in different locations), but only two with a Kinect. I get so frustrated using the 360 without the Kinect, so much so I'm probably just going to buy a used Read more

All glasses are always completely full. It's just a question of what they're full of water (the glass in the picture appears to be half full of water, and half full of air). Well, I suppose a glass could be empty if it was in a vacuum. Read more

I've switched to using bowls for most meals. Thai leftovers? Reheated in a bowl. Pasta? Bowl, here I come. I usually put them on top of leafy greens. Less likely to spill, more convenient. I didn't realise there was still debate about this. Read more

That is cool, I don't recall seeing that done before. I bought it for Windows 8, then bought the phone version when it went on "Red Stripe Deal" because it was too cheap to pass up. Read more

Halo Wars, if anyone wants my opinion. Best story of any Halo game, IMO. And I'm still playing the multiplayer 3-4 years later. Read more

I don't think it should be in dispute whether there's a market for exergaming. There is a market. Fitness games sell in the millions. I've personally bought several, as far back as "Yourself Fitness" for the original Xbox (also available on PC, PS2, and Game Cube). Read more

I'm a fan of all of the above, but I don't know I'd go as far as to say the others are better. Yamato is the most enduring and iconic for me. Read more