Mass Deduction (née scrapking)'s discussions

Mass Deduction (née scrapking)

According to two IBM engineers who wrote a book about their experiences working on the CPUs for both the 360 and the PS3, ken Kutaragi was the driving force behind all of the most disastrous business decisions made regarding the PS3. So.... yeah. Read more

Thanks for sharing your experience, it's interesting. I don't do any of the above, including alcohol, so that whole world is kind of difficult to fathom for me. Read more

I have never (and likely will never) try any drug that is illegal in the jurisdiction I live in (Canada) for two simple reasons: Read more

While there is no prime directive in place, there is reference to the probable creation of one. I recall an episode where Captain Archer makes reference to the fact that they're likely going to have to come up with a directive of non-interference at some point. Read more

I think seasons 3 and 4 of Enterprise were the best two individual seasons of any Star Trek series ever, but I was a TNG fan before that. I find TNG almost unwatchable now, though. Enterprise has held up much better, IMO. Read more

Thanks for this. I narrowly missed upgrading tiers after they made it worth my while to step it up, so I was able to do that just now. :) Read more

They kept looking for more things to incentivise donators right down to the dying hours (with 40 hours to go, I got an email with brand new incentives). But they didn't roll out the one thing that would have got me to increase my contribution: a Commodore 64 de-make of Wasteland 2! :) Read more

The Prime Directive was occassionally referenced prior to The Next Generation (TNG), but it wasn't until Picard and co. that it was actually taken seriously in a Star Trek TV show. Kirk and co. routinely broke it. Read more

I loved Legend of Galactic Heroes, but hated the super thin chara. The guys up top are the same way. Doesn't work for me, especially for a representation of a warrior. Read more

The proportion of most Canadian power grids made up by hydro continues to drop, however. The problem is that land needs to be modified/flooded to accomodate dams, and that's an increasingly difficult sell. Despite our traditional reliance on hydro-electric, the majority of the increase in power consumption in Canada Read more

And yet, her winning her riding for the first time in the last election could prove to be a key turning point for the party (and she won under first-past-the-post no less). I live in a neighbouring riding to her's, and her candidacy electrified the community (or so it seemed to me). Read more

Thanks for posting that. It reminded me a bit of that buggy science fiction game for the Xbox with the million dollar challenge associated with it, which they canceled due to poor sales of the game. Read more

Jack Tramiel pioneered the idea of spending as much, or more, engineering dollars on cost-reducing your current system(s) as you do on your new hardware in development. What's the de facto norm today, especially in the console field, all started there. He pushed the Commodore 64 down in cost immensely in a short Read more