So, around the time they were bought by Jimmy Pattison? Read more
So, around the time they were bought by Jimmy Pattison? Read more
Whatever. I've got together in person with about three dozen women I met online over the years and they were all, you know, actual females. Read more
Really? I'm a Forge fan, and win 2/3rds of my online games. I beat Cutters and Chieftains all the time. Read more
I don't disagree that releasing DLC for a 2.5 year old game may not make any sense. But the premise of the article was that everyone hates DLC, and it's an example of why that statement is categorically wrong (I am someone, and therefore part of everyone, and I disagree :P ). Read more
I think Halo Wars is the best Halo game, period. Incredible narrative, tremendous replay value, it's just awesome. Read more
Biggest problem with a physical keyboard, which Amazon has just recently figured out, is that it makes it very hard to release your device internationally because keyboards are different most everywhere you go. Read more
I'm no longer excited about getting a new console because I've started spending more time reading e-books on my Kobo than I am playing games. *shrug* Read more
A lot of comments below say it'd be a great deal with all the DLC, but is a crappy deal if it doesn't include it. Read more
So I wasn't the only one wondering if he'd even read the article. Read more
I'm a huge fan of Halo Wars, and I would give my eye tooth for new DLC, especially new maps. Read more
Just to make this a little bit weirder...
As I look at that cream coloured Xbox 360 controller there, I suddenly want a Commodore 64-themed Xbox controller. That would rock the casbah. Colour-code the face buttons based on the rainbow by the Commodore logo, colour code the stick, triggers, and d-pad based on the brown of the keys. I'd buy it in a heartbeat!
Holy crap, I just realised that Tempest 2000 came out *18 years ago*! How the frak did I get so old. :P Read more
You guys get mad, mad props for using the theme song from Tempest 2000 for the show.
You see, you owned the wrong systems man. Read more
I thought the first Dune game on the PC (the one that wasn't an RTS) actually did do justice to the franchise. Read more
You are definitely not the only one. Read more
1982, eh? So it came out around the same time as that Commodore 64 masturbation game. Read more
That was effectively what I was pointing out so, yes, I agree. Read more