Mass Deduction (née scrapking)'s discussions

Mass Deduction (née scrapking)

Holy crap, I did a simple edit to that last comment to you and it went from a nicely formatted comment to a wall of unformatted text. Sorry about that, man! Read more

"Right. So every person who's every complained that Ebooks are inferior is reading shitty books or "Wired differently than others".Mhmmm. Why do I get the feeling I'm arguing with a new age 20 year old who can't into classicals?" Read more

The 360, and the Xbox before it, have Unified Memory Architecture (UMA). UMA used to be, for lack of a more politically correct term, the ugly step-child of the computer industry. Read more

The best, and worst, thing about Karateka was the same thing: the way you had to approach (no pun intended) the end of the game. Read more

Phil Harrison not only predicted the DS wouldn't have lasting appeal (which has gone on to be the best selling handheld in gaming history), but he also predicted that the PS3 would rapidly take over from the 360 (5 years and counting and it hasn't happened yet), and argued that the Kinect wouldn't catch on (but has Read more

"The reason I didn't quote it was because it was idiotic. You're insinuating that the best books disable neurological tactile feeling." Read more

In theory Sony might agree to let the studio behind The Show work on the title for another party, at least in the short term, if they had nothing better for them to do. But on the whole I agree that it's simply hard to know what to think. Read more

"If you can't recognize the difference in feeling between holding a technological invention in your hands and holding paper in your hands theres not much to say." Read more

A third party purchasing the exclusive licence might, as a first act, attempt to purchase the MLB: The Show licence from Sony (who would no longer be able to use it) and release it across multiple systems. Read more

"It all depends on the book, really. I have a copy of Watchmen I bought when I needed my Moore fix while traveling. There were literally hundreds of notes in it on the storytelling style. As a writer it was fucking awesome." Read more

Wow, I remember Thieves' World. :D I was a fan of Robert Asprin's "Myth" series at the time, and became aware of Thieves' World because he provided editing for the series. I never did finish it, but I collected several volumes before deciding I really like science fiction a lot more than fantasy. Read more

I think the biggest change has been moving the focus from rating increases in raw computing power, to rating the amount of computer power relative to power consumption. I think this is the biggest threat to Moore's Law, over the long term at least. Read more