Mass Deduction (née scrapking)'s discussions

Mass Deduction (née scrapking)

That's kind of irrelevent. The limits of the 360 also haven't been challenged. Hell, coders continue to explore the possibilities of the Atari 2600, making games that couldn't have been imagined in the '70s and '80s. The task of learning everything there is to learn about a game system is literally never-ending, Read more

It does seem like a marketing opportunity is being lost here, though it might be very challenging to maintain 343's voice throughout an entire audiobook! Read more

I have an uncle who used to drive a logging truck and listened to hundreds at least, but more likely thousands, of audio books while driving truck. Read more

That's not a problem I've experienced specifically because of used games. Stores can't always get as many copies of a game as they want, and stores that don't stock used games sometimes also sell out. Read more

At least GD-ROM was trying to fill a market need (more capacity than CD-ROM, cheaper drives than DVD-ROM). Memory Stick can't even make that claim. Read more

I must admit I was surprised when the used game discount dropped to as low as it is now. When I started shopping at EB Games, $10 was the normal discount across the whole line: $59.99 was usually dropped to $49.99, right down to $29.99 being dropped to $19.99. Somewhere along the way it dropped to $5 off, though Read more

I've used that quote several times over the years, for people who have a point but are more of a jerk about it than is warranted. Read more

I've missed those comments then, and would look at them equally poorly. I'm not saying people should never curse, but I think it should be a last resort if you want your argument to be understood and appreciated by a broad range of readers. Read more

Inspired by your comment, I went back and read the rest of the article. Far from agreeing with your assessment that he made some good points, I believe the rest of his rant misses the point worse than the first half. Read more

I don't assume a vulgar person is wrong, and didn't say so. I was irritated by the profanity, but that's not why I stopped reading. It was the fact that he seemed to think that people who disagreed with him couldn't form potentially valid arguments, that's what made me stop reading the rest of his rant. Ignorance Read more

Ah, but if you buy the game and are not online, you can't get the single player content that's on the disc, and that you paid for, but needs a code to unlock it. That's pretty crappy for people in that situation, who have *paid* for it, but can't access it because of a pass code Read more

It's not about money for me. I would buy it via digital distribution if I could. Failing that, I'll buy it used if I can (even if it's the same price, or even more, than new). The environment comes before profits for me. And I say that *as* a business owner, and a successful one at that. Read more