It might look like even more of a monstrosity had it been a Genesis/Mega Drive 1, with a Sega/Mega-CD 1. :) Read more
It might look like even more of a monstrosity had it been a Genesis/Mega Drive 1, with a Sega/Mega-CD 1. :) Read more
I don't disagree, but it's a little off topic. The article suggests the naming convention between the Wii and Wii U is a problem. Read more
Microsoft is 9.5 years ahead (Xbox Live launched in late 2002, and DLC, both free and paid, was available for some of the launch titles). Read more
Wow, I was waiting for something cool like an option to rent a game through digital distribution and, if you want to keep it after a given period, pay a reduced rate to buy it. Read more
It not only dictated their launch location, they had to wait until the wind was going a favourable direction too. Read more
Don't feed the troll. Skadaba likely knows Canada has a proud history in space (particularly, but not exclusively, in space robotics) that dwarfs the contributions of all but a few countries. If he doesn't, then he's simply an ignorant troll rather than an informed troll... but in the end, does it make any… Read more
He was *paying* people to pirate content for him, and taking money from people to sell pirated content to them. As far as I'm concerned, it's as open and shut as it gets. How did they go overboard with him? Read more
Wait.... what? Is this an internet meme I've never heard of, or actual product? Read more
"Try explaining to your grandmother the difference between a Wii and a Wii U and watch her eyes glaze over. The consoles are distinct enough. Their names, however, are not. Hence, the problem." Read more
Wow.. I never realised how ridiculous a Sega Genesis 1 would look on top of a Sega CD 2. Read more
Imagine the roaming charges if it had drifted out of Canadian airspace! O_o Read more
I'll take Geoff (or is it Jeff?) Vader for the win.
That was kind of my fault. What makes an "affected customer" concerned? Heck, maybe it'll become collectible. Read more
A lot of Eastern Canada is at the same latitude as Southern France, but with a *drastically* cooler climate in the winter. That's true for most of Western Canada as well, with a notable exception, the very south-western tip of Canada (most notably where Vancouver and Victoria British Columbia lie) is a whole lot… Read more
I'm as hairy as they come, but I haven't had any problem finding women who like that sort of thing. *shrug* Read more
$99.99 has only been proven the sweet spot typically *once* a successor has been released, though. I don't think it would be in Nintendo's interests to drop the price prior to the Wii U's release, but at that time a further price drop might be in their best interest. Read more
What about the Saturn? It's sales were definitely in decline before any official announcement of the Dreamcast. Read more
If so, that doesn't make any sense. The DSi is the second generation DS, as it's about 3x more powerful than the original, and with a catalogue of DSi-only games available through DSiWare. Though this is a mistake that makes commonly enough, I guess. Read more
I once read a book, published in the '70s, that had a series of articles and interviews about what life would be like in the year 2001. How would society change when all work was gone, as all work would be performed by computers and/or robots by the year 2001, right? Read more
The decline in Wii sales began before the Wii U announcement. No console has ever had a successor announced *unless* it's sales were in decline, that I can think of. Read more