Mass Deduction (née scrapking)'s discussions

Mass Deduction (née scrapking)

I guess it depends on what games you play. I mostly play Halo Wars for online multiplayer, and mostly have good experiences there with the other players. I rarely, if ever, run into people like the above. Read more

You make some good points, and I don't specifically disagree with most of it. I do think we have a few good Kinect games now (XBLA title Leedmees comes to mind, and Kinect support in Child of Eden is considered by some reviewers the definitive way to play it), but ultimately I'm not sure how much first-party support Read more

All the 2011 exclusive games I wanted were on Xbox 360... but virtually none of them were retail games. Between XBLA and XBLIG, every exclusive game I bought this year was a digital distribution title. Read more

This. The days of exclusive games defining consoles are over. For the last couple of years the PS3 has had more exclusive games, yet the top selling games are all multiplatform titles (Call of Duty, anyone?). Read more

Heck, the wikiipedia definition of shoot'-em-up includes Contra and Metal Slug, but did Battlefield not legitimately grow out of Commando and Contra over time? Read more

The British gaming mags I read in the '90s tended to use the term "shoot-'em-up" to refer to any game with shooting in it. The distinction you're drawing has never been a global one. Read more

"The routines themselves don't change to reflect the gender of your avatar, but performing dance routines while represented by a smooth-movin' lady does feel significantly different, and more exposing, than most of my video-gaming." Read more

Wolverine has appeared in every single X-Men-related movie, TV show, and video game ever made. So wild guess he'll be in this as well. Read more

The articulation of the arms of the combiner is impressive. I actually had several Go-Bots back in the day, as well as TFs, including the one that the toy in the article is based off of. Read more

Greed can often be self-defeating. Look at how greed and fear have massively stunted the e-book market in Japan. A country where space is at a premium and many people have long public transit commutes, who *wouldn't* love replacing all their bookshelves with a single device, and have it with them on the train for Read more