Rob Zacny's saved articles

Rob Zacny
Rob Zacny is a freelance writer and esports journalist. You can reach him at

I’m not big into the idea of eSports. I don’t empathize with the people who support the argument of semantics over what’s a “sport” versus a “video game”, or if they can be both, because it doesn’t matter what you call them, they don’t change. Only the community does in a superficial way that divides it. Read more

Really cool article Rob. The biggest thing to me that you pointed out is the power struggles at the top. When you’ve got sponsors like Samsung or LG to contend with you’ll probably have to tiptoe around a lot. Read more

I don’t understand. The NBA, MLB, NFL, FIFA, etc. all have their own rules regarding player behavior and broadcasting rights. Why should esports be different somehow? Those owners and players submit to the respective sports rules,also. If you view esports as kids playing games, I can see the confusion, but it’s not. Read more

I want to see retired AF pilots competing in Dog Fighting games. How fast would the DoD ban that shit for showing off our best air maneuvers? Read more

The hope of any serious TV coverage of eSports died with G4. Read more

They should force competitors to maintain a .08 BAC level, keep things interesting. Read more

Yes times 1000. Why, in the world, am I gonna watch people race in iracing, project cars, whatever, if the real thing is out there to be watched? I love Madden. I never got the excitement of watching people play madden. Read more

This to me is exactly the same as watching people play poker on tv. Boring. But maybe I just don’t get it. I mean people sit and watch other people play entire games on youtube which I 100% cannot relate to. Read more

Esports will never have mainstream appeal. At least not in North America. No one is going to want to learn a dozen different sets of “rules” because there are a dozen different games played competitively, and then learn a dozen more when new games replace old ones. Read more

It’s interesting how much esports emulates other sports. Seeing more and more of it as time goes by. Just listening to announcers during any esport event can fool you into thinking your watching real sports, given the similar expressions and general knock off nature of it all. Read more

Well damn, now I want some cake. I wonder if I have any friends birthdays coming up. Read more

tell me again exactly why an (upper Pro-tier) esports player “deserves” the kind of money thrown at them, when there are actual athletes and olympians who’ve dedicated decades of their time, blood, sweat, tears, etc. that get barely a fraction.
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From a winning a single tournament in Dota 2, each player of the winner team got like over $1mil splitting the prize 5 ways. Esports is overtaking athletic sports very soon. Read more

It’s possible but it really would depend on the game. The problem I see it often facing is that most esport games are VERY hard to follow if you don’t have a preexisting knowledge of the game. I can look at a football game at a glance and see the score, I can tell which way the ball is going. And the overall play Read more

Imagine a venn diagram with two groups. “Group 1: People Who Play X” and “Group 2: People Who Watch X”. In traditional sports, the more popular sports, Group 2 is huge, but Group 1 is small. Very few people play football, basketball, baseball or hockey, but millions of people watch it. And that gap is different for Read more