If I can offer my perspective on this intersection of art and monetizing of art, I have this discussion fairly often with a few of my friends who are traditional artists, 2 are painters and 1 is an illustrator. Read more
If I can offer my perspective on this intersection of art and monetizing of art, I have this discussion fairly often with a few of my friends who are traditional artists, 2 are painters and 1 is an illustrator. Read more
Man, it almost sounds like artists need some sort of organization under which they could unify to protect themselves and ensure they aren’t exploited by corporations with all of the money and power, some sort of unified bargaining group to establish fair market and labor norms. Almost like some kind of coalition or… Read more
The fact that Animorphs is on a list with Beowulf is wondeful.
But if you’re gonna go with a Torrey Peters Fortnite crossover, I’d prefer “Infect” because a Fortnite mode where everyone starts as a genderless banana and only the winner gets to have a gender sounds funny as hell. Read more
First of all, ready player one x fortnite would work SO well (alt styles for each skin with real world and oasis styles). Second of all, the story of how this came about is shockingly wholesome. Donald Mustard worked with the author of these books on infinity blade, and they are apparently really good friends, so he… Read more
I have so many things to say about this colab, but they’re all too spoilery. And I’m hoping this makes some more people read these very fun books. Read more
You’re down to final two and the last thing you hear, whispered softly in your ear is “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. Now give me that chicken dinner” Read more
She's really not. The trial is about Apple and Epic. She is a third party witness whose testimony is just as valid for the purposes of a peripheral detail (and likely why the court didn't require MS to produce the documents Apple wanted in the first place). Read more
I mean, it would be like asking a medical expert to produce their data, which is how it works...
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They’re not challenging whether she’s qualified as an expert—if she’s giving testimony about various financial aspects of the Xbox ecosystem, she’s required to turn over the documents she’s basing that testimony on.
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The original XBox never drew a profit to my recollection, either. Because of how console wars have been going, it’s unlikely that the actual hardware will ever be any more than bare-bones profit, simply because it’s the loss leader for the entire ecosystem of XBox products (Wikipedia has a good article on loss leaders… Read more