Chris Person's discussions

Chris Person
Senior video producer of Kotaku. I make Highlight Reel. Send your clips to

Editor's note: sorry again for the delay on Monday's episode — YouTube wasn't letting us upload the video yesterday. The schedule for the videos should remain unchanged for this week. Read more

Honestly, I think this game has so much incredible potential as an educational tool. Read more

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The day that the PC version finally comes out and modders really get a crack at it my heart will sing with joy.

As someone who spent much of today making gifs of penises from Besiege, I approve of this. Please send us more dicks if you find them.

You should hear the guy they got for the Spanish dub. He rules. Read more

YEP. But I think that clip alone forgives the blunder, to be honest. It's so perfectly self-contained. Read more

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EXTRA REEL. Here's some extra clips for all of y'all, because I'm only one man and I can't throw everything in.

You're lucky I had this at the ready.

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I have a lot of clips for EXTRA REEL (still trying to think of a name!) today.

The mission in question is this one, apparently:

Glad you like it, although every day very well might kill me (also, it would probably dilute the quality of the episodes!) Read more

Oh man I was throwing down with Nidhogg last week and if someone managed to pull off something crazy in that game I'd feature it. Read more

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I realize now that I didn't adequately show how good a play that CS:GO one was (an ace+defuse as opposed to two kills and a defuse) in the edit above because I was worried about time constraints. So with that in mind, here's the full clip. Super worth watching.

Actually, I have received more glitches from Dragon Age than any other game, they just all happen to be the same "Moonwalk" glitch. Read more

Thanks for mixing it up and suggesting a new game to cover! Read more