Chris Person's discussions

Chris Person
Senior video producer of Kotaku. I make Highlight Reel. Send your clips to

I want to know everything about Bedman.

Yeah, the eyes need movement. But for a rough demo meant to show off what they can do, I still kinda like it. Read more

There are some, like Brekel Pro. Honestly, if Valve made a no-nonsense program for face capture that worked in SFM and used a Kinect I also would be as happy as a clam. Read more

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Those old MotionScan demos still hold up but in a realllllllly weird way.

I actually had the exact same glitch in the episode happen to me with the exact same archer. I also had a glitch where Iron Bull did an entire cutscene in Skyhold despite the fact that I had built a sparring ring where he was sitting. Read more

Right, that's part of the reason this show exists! It's a brave new world now that everyone has the ability to share clips. Also, I always welcome frank discussions and criticism about how the show should be structured. Nothing is set in stone. Read more

We actually had that conversation internally and erred on the side of including it in Highlight Reel. It's a rare exception to include something that involves post-production, but the clip was also short and fun enough to justify it . This won't be a common occurrence in the future. Read more

No that's me you're thinking of.

I played a bunch of this game, and Leo absolutely nails the feeling you get playing it. It's unfinished in a way, but it feels a lot like EVO for the SNES Read more

Correction: I just realized Patricia was talking about the spider cave and yeah fuck that place. Read more

I agree totally, but I think a lot of what keeps me going through those filler missions is the tableau — I want an excuse to just LOOK at the world. Like that Storm Coast mission - yes it's totally weak and doesn't really add anything to the story, but the way that they design the cave itself is something that I won't Read more

After watching that GIF for like 10 minutes I'm convinced he's trepanned his head in attempt to allow for faster whisky absorption through the blood-brain barrier. Read more

I tried the line read with Hunter and it didn't have the same punch :/ Read more