Michael McWhertor's discussions

Michael McWhertor

@Michael Dukakis: Please note that we've issued a title update on the Review Round Up headline, which fixes a bug that rendered the headline on three lines. It should now contain just one line break, as the developer intended. Read more

@AchromaticMagus: No, I got it for a variety of reasons, but the primary one is the OS. Most of the software I now own is for OS X and everything I need to do (with the exception of gaming) is just easier on a Mac. Read more

@deanbmmv: I will be running Windows 7 through Bootcamp so I can play games. We have plenty of PC users who can pick up the slack for the Mac only users. :) Read more

@bakura: DEAR BAKURA: Those two contestants were eliminated in last week's episode. Oh wait... you want to watch the whole thing all at once?! O_o Read more