m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

Oh, I know I know, but the 60gb is all I could really afford at that moment. It was experimental curiosity. It's just a gaming, entertainment rig afterall - Built to last as I only splurge on a new gaming rig every few years. Read more

I was considering getting an iPad 3 as well. It's impressive for sure! Tho instead I think I got the best of both worlds (for my own personal needs anyway) having gotten a Kindle Fire, and in a few days the PS Vita. Not to mention combined cost of the Fire and Vita will probably be around the retail price of iPad 3. Read more

I swore I wouldn't be getting the Vita at launch. Then yesterday I tried out both Escape Plan and Gravity Rush on a kiosk at Gamestop, and Earlier today I put some trades and $200 towards the 3G bundle (comes with a 8gb memory card). I am excited. Read more

Oh, I dunno about this week. Ol' Marmaduk chewed up the tassels on meh hat again. Last time that happened, well you remember - The Grand Nagus pointed it out and got the whole congregation stirred up and alaughin at meh. O'course that started up the whole tar'n'feather'n'powdered sugar bit; And between the itchy skin Read more

Whippersnapper? LOL Cassettes? Is that them doohickeys that yaz cranks on a gramaphone? I just mentioned Wing Commander 3 cause I was laughing so hard at the revelation when I was trying out SOL last night. I grew up with a TRS-80, Apple II, TVs that had dials, betamax, and VideoDisc (you wanna talk about how bad your Read more

As a PSP and PSP Go user I'll likely go with both, but leaning more on downloads. Don't like the idea of carrying around extra media especially the size of the vita carts. However I can't deny certain titles with the box art looking neat on the shelf. Read more

I have a PSPGo with filled internal drive and memory card. As much of my PSP Library would be transplanted to the Vita, the lack of internal storage and the price ($100) for the amount of external storage I require (minimum 32Gb) is currently a BIG turnoff. Add that to the lack of interesting launch titles (IMO), and Read more

As a PSP and PSPGo user, I've been excited about Vita since it was announced. Yet having become more of a PC gamer of late, my interest in console/portable gaming has been waning. Read more

I got the SC5 limited edition for pre-order from GS - Mostly because the case looks like a book. Not because of the Ivy bobble-head; which probably should have been bobble-boobs.