m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

The PS store update was later than usual. I already checked it out. New themes include "Wendy Fiore." So I googled her and... well ogled her too.

I had the same idea as No. 11, but I put an Armatron instead. Oh well. I'll concede to never being chosen again, I guess. 4 times is good, and it's just quick practice anyway. Read more

More grinding in Age of Champions on Facebook. Also the Vanquish demo on PS3, and some Peace Walker. I'm preparing to move, so I'm the keeping gaming light over the next month. Read more

"People wondered how Duke Nukem would make his return. Would a parody video game character steeped in 80s absurdity play in 2010? Or would he have to be a parody of a parody? It seems from the demo that Duke is strictly himself and that the kind of profane, naughty, steroid-injected humor of the Duke of old is indeed Read more