m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

MGS4 - Got it at the midnight release. Played from 1am to 4pm (15 hours) aimed at beating. Had to take a break tho, came back at 6pm for another 2 hours and finished it. I was up for about 2 days, including the previous day. Read more

@Piccoroz: Less features? Actually it's more a tradeoff between bluetooth and the umd drive. I find it funny that there was much hatred over the UMD when the original PSP first came around - And now that it isn't there (in GO), people complain about that. I suppose its a justified complaint, but then we have the Read more

The hallway sneaking scene was brilliant with Snake chatting with Otacon, Ghost then losing his patience and ends up sounding of the alarm. They've become a Martin & Lewis-like team with Snake as the buffoon and Ghost as the straight man. Great stuff! Read more

@TERROR-HORROR: Awesome! I'm glad more and more people are looking into the digital comics feature. I've got around 40 books or so now. Just finished Cancertown (excellent!), and I'm hoping Hope Falls final issue comes out tomorrow. I'll also probably try out some Durham Red and Ramayan too. Read more

@GohanEgret: Well one reason I went the path of the holy, was because I preferred having more powerful ranged attacks with the cross (which you will find is useless toward certain enemies down the line). Apparently, you can play again with all your upgrades intact, so I hope to gain everything on the second play. Read more

@GohanEgret: I just mentioned above that I had just finished Dante's Inferno. It is a very good game - The only real fault in gameplay IMO is some of the platforming. Whereas the clever use of Holy/Unholy attack methods along with the magic is very well done. [I went the holy route, and will attempt unholy my next Read more

I think the Move control scheme is just something you have to learn to adapt to, much like any other game. Heck, my first playthrough of Heavy Rain with the DS3 was no different. Read more