m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

@VincentGrey: I have at least as much music as you do, also loving lots of variety. Yet I think 2 gigs is plenty for small events like a small road trip, walking around town, jogging, working out, etc. I still use a 3+ year old 2 gig Sansa Clip for such things. I always thought it was the original iPod Nano killer, Read more

@nauticalland: Here, here. I just seem to run into more people regularly using "gay." When f*g and the n-word come out it's usually a personal attack. If I'm honest, I'm amused by such encounters. It is as if the AOL Teen Chat rooms from the 90s magically teleported to present day in a modern conveyance. Aside from Read more

You know what I'm tired of? I'm tired of people, particularly on multi-player games who constantly spout about the word "gay" as their preferred negative connotation towards other players or things in general. It isn't because I am gay (I am not), nor is it that I'm trying to be politically correct (I am not fucking Read more

I haven't been paying attention at all to this and was unaware of the cast. Both are very strong actors and could lend the movie some credibility with it being a video game movie. Read more