Kirk Hamilton's saved articles

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

I’ve been completely exhausted with the Ubisoft formula since Shadow of Mordor; I don’t think I’ve bought an open-world game since then, aside from Breath of the Wild (which falls into some of those tropes, but does so with such charm and polish that I can mostly look past them to the greater game that lives alongside Read more

i love this kind of open world - honestly the ‘aggressively helpful’ style of ubisoft’s open world games after far cry 2 has turned me off and i can’t even get into them... it’s all too predictable, really. Read more

This is fascinating, thanks for writing it! I’m playing ACO because it was free through Google Project Stream. I’ve been on the fence about getting RDR2, because I bounced off of the first one pretty hard for the reasons you described above... it was slow and prodding. Read more

If there was one thing I’d hope for future games to take from RDR2, it’s the absolute necessity of a dedicated ‘howdy’ button. I played for a half hour last night - 20 mins howdying at the citizens of Valentine and the last 10 unsuccessfully trying to lasso a deer. Best half-hour in recent memory
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Honestly some things could be explained better in RDR 2. Once I finished a mission and I was very far from my horse. Came across 2 people on horse back so I kill one and as I went to kill the second, I get a message saying I led enemy back to camp and I am sent to loading screen. When it finished im right back at Read more

I was playing AC: Odyssey right up until Red Dead 2 was released, and I’m also having some issues adapting to the differences in gameplay. Not having Ikaros to call on to scout the area is probably the biggest thing I miss. That sort of thing would make hunting in Red Dead much much easier. Also, Arthur tends to fall Read more

Can’t you hold 500 items by default?  Is no one else dismantling and/or selling all of the useless greys, blues, and purples?  Once you start getting some of the good legendaries, you can just keep upgrading them every 5 or so levels.  I’m not sure if I’ve ever held more than 100 items at once.  Regardless, good to Read more

I assume that the ship you get once you get to that point is the one at the docks? I noticed it had a storage chest behind the wheel, but was inactive, so I assumed that I’d have a storage locker once I get the ship. Still a ways away though. I only just went to Odysseus’ home. Read more

I am not quite there (next mission) but I knew they would have to have something like that. Otherwise, you’re right, the lame ubisoft regular rare stuff would be stuck in your inventory forever. Read more

HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS. Uuugh thank you, now I can free up some inventory space Read more

Ha - I discovered this an hour ago, after being 30 hours of the game. I was on my ship at the stern and was like “o a box wut is in it,” then happily realized there was nothing inside (yet). Read more

Oh thank fuck for this, that Ubisoft Club crap is annoying
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When I started playing the game I was pretty much ‘Yep, it’s Origins with a Greek skin.’ But then once you get in a while it’s pretty obvious that while they’ve used Origins as the foundation, and there’s a lot that’s familiar, now there’s a whole bunch of extra stuff on top of that to make it less tedious than Read more

I’m playing the exact opposite, with a warrior build, and I’m loving every moment of it. Combat feels a lot like the Witcher 3, if you could toss in a stealth kill here and there - and I love that you can mix and match the two. Read more

Even heavily into the warrior tree (though I’m spread across all three), I still play Assassin most of the time. I usually go full combat in thugs/bandits/pirates or anyone that won’t give me murder counts. Assassin against the good Greeks, otherwise you run around with a 3+ Bounty all the time. Read more

Glad to see I’m not the only one slowly clearing entire bases of people, even though I could probably take them all on at once. Read more

13. The Kickstarted Sequel - This is a game that either was kickstarted originally, or existed long ago and no longer has the backing of the original main company that funded it. As such, it hopes your nostalgia is enough to fuel their coffers until the product can come out and show you that yes, this is still worth Read more

Lets not forget all the hybrids of the the above. I am thinking something like Devil May Cry 5 which is a sequel, a long delayed sequel, and a reboot/restart. Read more

So which one of these is Star Wars: The Old Republic? Read more

I’m in the same spot Kirk is in that Destiny has finally become just too much to keep up with, and I feel it’s only going to get worse across gaming as a whole. “Games as Service” demands your time. All of it. It demands that this one game is your ‘Forever Game’ and if you ever stray from it to play something else, Read more