Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

Yeah, I find that enemies at a distance stand still until I aim at them down my sights, then get activated and start moving. Though yeah, they're not particularly dangerous at range, so it's easy to pick 'em off. Read more

It's really true. Even with a day's head-start, I already feel hopelessly behind. Which is one of the main ideas behind this sort of game, really. Read more

Yeah, I dunno! Maybe they just stopped giving a shit. Read more

Something Destiny-related with cringeworthy dialogue? I DON'T BELIEVE IT Read more

Seconded - here's hoping they port it. I'll play on console, but 30fps first-person games drive me nuts. Read more

I'm still early on, but I've heard that about the story from a lot of places! I'll almost surely finish it, as long as too many other things don't come up. All this Japanese-caricature FPS swordplay is giving me NOLF 2 flashbacks, as well, which is always a bonus. Read more

I have this entire collection of screenshots of Shane looking like a doof. I'm convinced it's the sort of thing that only I think is funny, but, here: Read more

Now playing

Yeah, or more specifically, they had various things in the environment that would emit musical sounds that'd make music and even harmonize with one another, like the lasers below. That was all Mike Morasky, that dude is serious business.

Ha, yeah, I'd heard they're all UNT guys. Great program! I was a jazz major at U Miami in coral gables, we were always in the runnings for the same awards. I'm definitely well-versed in self-indulgent college jazz, since I've written and performed more than my own share of it. :P Read more

Oh ha, I'd missed that someone had soundtrack'd this track. Replaced it with "L" from Awake/Hohokum, and yeah, Awake's a great record. Read more

I've been working to Tycho/the Hohokum soundtrack for the last few days, and it's been just the thing. Read more

Cheers! And yeah, our subsite for cool-looking things is called Screenburn. We wanted to call it "Hohokum" because that is such a good name, but it name was already taken. Read more