Kevin Wong's saved articles

Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.

“The Dark Side challenge, which required me to defeat every Broodal boss battle one after the other, seemed too difficult.” Read more

The completionist in me gives the rest of me anxiety when I think about playing it. I’m letting my wife have full custody of this game before I get into it though so hopefully by the time I play it ill be at peace with the fact that ill never 100% it. Even watching and helping when she is stuck is a joy. Read more

I got this game for Christmas (haven’t finished it yet so avoiding spoilers), and I am absolutely in love with this game!! I know that people thought Breath of the Wild was the game of the year, but this is definitely mine! The main thing I love is the crazy variety of game modes due to being able to catch other Read more

That Photoshop scene was just DEVASTATING, especially since they took such a principled character like Wendy amd gave us the gut punch that no matter how mighty and right your principles are, you will eventually have to compromise them for a greater good (in Wendys case, self preservation), and when you do so it Read more

Agreed. I felt so, so sad for the kid at those moments. Just a few seconds in the game and it transformed this mute character I’d created who never says a word into a legitimate character with depth. Read more

I’m glad you wrote this. I have to defend South Park (my favorite show) all the time to idiots who assume it’s all poop and pee humor. I mean, it IS, but they layer in meaning and hidden statements about society if you pay attention.

Also, not gonna lie, when i read that Coonstagram post from Clyde about saying hi to Read more

Thank your husband for me. I really enjoyed the game and can’t wait for the DLC. I assume there will be DLC this time since they sold a season pass. Thanks again for his (and others) hard work! Read more

Had a great time in both games and you are spot on with your points. A lot of people will dismiss the show as a poorly animated “fart-fest” but there is some real depth to it and that’s why it has survived. The photoshop scene is a perfect example. I remember when the credits rolled I just sat there, sort of stunned. Read more

The dinner scenes were the most palpably uncomfortable experience in gaming I’ve ever had. Even for South Park it felt dark. Read more

This was nice to read, especially nice because my husband worked on this game for 2+ years, and I was able to beat it a few weeks ago in front him. I can only imagine how good it feels for him to see things like that. I also want to share this, his post from the night before South Park launched. It still makes me cry

According to the official release (via Mainichi News), a “Japanese style theme” is being considered to appeal to tourists visiting the country. Read more

Yes, even when I’m coaching a competitive club volleyball team rather than a rec league team, I’m concerned with giving all the kids a role on the team. It won’t be equal playing time, and I’m up front about that from day one. Basically, I tell my players that we’ll have roughly equal playing time during the “pool Read more

Great piece, Kevin. I’ve enjoyed all of your articles on Kotaku, and they’ve helped me to see childhood cartoons in new ways. Please keep up the good work.
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Well. This brought up a lot of uncomfortable memories. Read more

I remember my time on the 8th grade football team. The coach came up to me and said I wasn’t working out like he had hoped “So why don’t you just quit.” I did, in fact, quit, bringing all manner of hell down on my head. My father and uncles - said with a sneer - “I guess you couldn’t take it.” Ditto a few male Read more

what a thoughtful post Kevin. As a Dad of a 6yo and a 2.5yo, both of whom I’m trying to teach how to hit and throw a ball, this brings back memories of playing catch with my dad, whom never taught me either. Read more