The Rope music used to freak me out. Still does.
The Rope music used to freak me out. Still does.
I loved the land auctions. It added a completely new strategy, where you could elect to mortgage your property in order to beat someone on a bid. And sometimes, you would auction instead of buying, if you thought you could get a lower price. Read more
It really becomes associative, doesn't it? I still remember the menu music, as well as the music when the giant hammer was building the hotels. Good stuff.
I never played with house rules, and my games lasted much longer than 1-2 hours. Generally, one person would get one Monopoly, and then refuse to trade. If you get into that sort of situation (where everyone has the key to everyone else's Monopoly, and no one wants to blink), then you're in for a long night. Read more
Yeah, I did love this too. But the animations were so slow, and for me, the angle of the camera sometimes made it difficult to distinguish between the board and pieces. Battle Chess always reminded me of Dejarik. It would be awesome to get a video game version of that:
I didn't know that, and will be looking for that on my next replay! But I'm not sure that attempted murder is significantly less cold blooded, especially considering the height he intentionally tossed the guy from. Read more
Actually the museum level shows that he IS a cold blooded murderer. At least in the other levels, he's defending himself. In the museum level, he throws a hapless security guard off the roof of the museum to his death. Read more
I love that CTF has a non-violent objective. It creates a great counterpoint to all the bloody mayhem. Read more
Definitely. It speaks to a developer's confidence when he/she creates clear, simple maps, and allows the gameplay to speak for itself. Read more
They always say to never meet your heroes, but that's great to hear! Read more
Great response. Thanks. :) Read more
I've seen people completely blow their cool when facing Yoshi players. This is is one of several reasons why. Read more
Well, such people would definitely be called scrubs too, if they didn't know how to defend against said tactics and blamed it either on their opponents or their controllers. Read more
No I haven't. Watching now. Thanks! Read more
I followed Tina's advice and created an account! Now I'm trying to figure it out. Read more
Thank you for sharing as well. As a child, my mother was shamed by her teacher for not speaking proper English, and so she was very protective; she was not going to have that happen to her children! Read more
Thank you so much for your comment. For me, the label Asian American signifies discomfort. Otherwise, I would call myself American. I hope to feel comfortable enough at some point. Read more
Yes, in RE5, there was a chainsaw decapitation death, but the camera panned away at the last minute. It was strange, especially since the RE4 decapitaton was so iconic. Read more
For me, the Wii Edition provided the best, most immersive control scheme and experience. Especially when you had to aim your sniper rifle, and your Wiimote hand began to shake. Read more