AJ Glasser's discussions

AJ Glasser

@OhNo5-0: I share your frustration with the first game's ending, but if Ubisoft really is listening to complaints like they claim to, there is hope for ACII even if it does go for the cliffhanger. Read more

@FigNewton: The way I see it, games that aren't out yet only have so many ways to represent themselves. They get screen shots, trailers, press coverage and sometimes demos. Any one of these things might not be enough to really represent what the game is about or how good it looks, though, so I try to provide trailers Read more

@Bard of Awen: Yes. Desperately. Mr. Martin has a lot of good info up on his livejournal about the actors they've cast so far. I hope the script is as exciting as the lineup :) Read more

@tslothrop: Little Red Riding Hood to me goes like "girl goes to grandma's, is eaten by wolf — moral of the story, don't talk to strangers." Read more

@grantanamo: Words on a page don't look gory — they look like words. The images in your head that you conjure up to go with the words can be as gory as you can make them. But when you're a kid (as you tend to be when you first hear these stories), they're probably not as bad as what movie and game makers have come up Read more

@Ueziel: I agree the gameplay was woefully short, but honestly the story was a mess. For example, they could have shortened Claves's final scene by about 10-15 minutes and come away with a more eloquent, well-rounded character. And the pirate tomfoolery was just so obviously a way to soak up time — it was kind of Read more

@NexusSIX: Eats Gods for breakfast: I really didn't like Yuna's dress, although I do agree with you about the hair. To me, short gloves scream "preteen 80s" instead of classic style like a full-length opera glove. Meanwhile, the weird thing she's got going on with the sleeves around her biceps is just fugly — so I'll Read more

@nworobes: I totally haven't figured out the new commenting system yet, so I'm having trouble approving comments in threads. I thought if I replied, it automatically approved the comment, but I guess not. Read more

@TheVegetarianBurgerKing: Wonderful Life on the GameCube was good. I think the Wii one — Tree of Tranquility — pales in comparison, but it IS the epitome of all things Harvest Moon, so if you don't mind long load times and mediocre graphics, go for ToT. And for DS, there's Harvest Moon DS Cute and on PSP, there's one Read more

@Thorax: I liked the third and fourth books the best. The fifth book I absolutely despised and I think the fan fiction-ish epilogue in book seven was pathetic. Read more