Strangely, it's hard to get excited about new Zelda games. All the games in the series are great, or at least competent, but as a result, the games no longer interest me because they're just repeating themes that I've already enjoyed over and over. I'm sure Spirit Tracks is a good game, but is it worth buying if… Read more
@Revolution_is_coming: Excellent characterization, a balanced battle system, and excellent art style despite technical limitations? Read more
@NothingEverEnds: Persona 4 easily cemented itself as my best game ever. Check it out, easily. Read more
@FlightBird: I play my DS more than any other console, with good reason. Check out the Ace Attorney series, for one thing. Read more
@snowspotmedia001: Part of what made Metroid Prime 3 so fun to me was the new control scheme. If it didn't have that, it probably would have been too close to the Gamecube games for my comfort. But, the control scheme was well realized and as a result, the game was fantastic. Read more
Companies need to figure out that Wii owners can be just as supportive of good games as those on any other platform. There's a reason we bought Metroid Prime and Punch-Out: those games are actually solid and fun to play. MadWorld and The Conduit sold like crap because they just aren't that good. When a developer… Read more