hutch_a_butch's discussions


So this isn't really a speed run, just a hack run. It's funny how glitched this game is. I'm fairly impressed with the precision ABH's. Read more

So...Uncharted starring Lara Croft? with ripped clothes? Read more

@Foohy: I would endure the head-cracking migraines to play me some Uncharted any day. Read more

@ethic: As an internaut, sitting at a crappy work computer running windows 2000, I think Uwe Bowell is a funny name. Read more

@UnchartedKill3r: Yeah, that under carriage looks like total shit. There is no back side to the wheel and it looks rusted and beat as hell. But, it's probably so low detailed to save room for the highly detailed top side of the cars. Read more

@comtar: The game Derezzed, a virtual jousting game where apparently you start off on a light cycle which then transforms into a...light horse? And you try to knock Olivia Wilde off her light horse. Read more

@xilefian: If read the whole comment he stated there should be a timer so people wont wait for the dude who is AFK. Read more

James Bond isn't stealth though. He'll come up to the bad guy's face and introduce himself. Although, thinking about it, I can remember some parts of some of the movies that involve James sneaking around, so if the game is not ALL stealth I'll let it pass... Read more

These are quality tattoos. A lot of the time you see some crappy depictions of game characters on people, but I have to say, this guy found a good artist. Read more

I think the "mother" should at least be female. Suzuki is more like the younger uncle. Shares some talent with the father, but not as much. Read more

I haven't played the new one yet but, how about the ability to wall run? Read more

Isn't arsenic metal? That means Transformers could be real!! Read more

@Rachel Fogg: This is a good theory. But, UC3 will not disappoint. And I bet it'll come out before the movie, or I hope it does. Read more

"met playing while Resident Evil 5." lol wtf? I don't ever want to be in the state of Resident Evil 5. Haha. Read more