hot_heart's discussions


I'm not sure where but I seem to recall Casey Hudson stating 'Cerberus are indoctrinated', which is a quite worrying shift. Read more

That's a really good point actually and one I will 'borrow' (I am writing an article on the ways games get upgrades 'wrong'). So thanks for that! Read more

Ha, OK. I don't think I bothered with a single side mission. I did get all the Web of Intrigue (or whatever its name was) consumes though. That was kinda cool because sometimes you'd have to be really quick to grab your prey. Read more

Judging by the all caps, I'm going to guess 'very loudly'. Read more

Two steps is pretty extreme. I'm guessing your 5-string doesn't go lower than the regular 4? Read more

I can't say I ever found the areas not staying clear being an issue in Prototype. The changing 'landscape' was governed by the game's excuse for a plot so it functions a bit differently to inFAMOUS. Plus, you can move a lot faster so there's no need to actually engage with enemies or unwanted sidequests. I wouldn't Read more

Besides releasing around the same time, they are only similar on a very superficial level: character with powers + sandbox. Read more

While I wish people would stop comparing it to inFAMOUS, yes, the actual movement and combat are wonderful. =p Read more

As this article points out, the codes it was trademarked under point to an 'online game' Read more

I thought that was because you are a cold, emotionless husk of a human being? Read more

I guess it depends what you're after. The story are characters were rubbish but the actual combat and controls worked really well. Actually made you feel like a total badass. Read more

Haha. I hear they've gone for his revised origin story too. I guess they didn't have the balls for the old one. Read more

While exploding enemies can be a pain, the wider areas for combat looked pretty cool. I like the multiple perspectives thing they're going for too. And, of course, four-player co-op is sweet. Read more

Bashcraft must have added it to spite me =p Read more

Now there's an age gate! My joke is ruined. RUINED! Read more

Oh, I'm a much lower level. I have to wait until Jan 1st to move up. Read more