hot_heart's discussions


As far as I know, he's only been announced as an AI-controlled co-op partner for some bits. Read more

It seems like it would be a lot fun in co-op but it lacks the variation and any resolution that the earlier games offered. Read more

It was in little ways. Off the top of my head, there were QTEs, the menus were more for controllers than a mouse, combat had become more action game-like, it had 'stealth' sections. I agree that some felt like a natural progression and I'm certainly not complaining but I do think the developers always had consoles in Read more

Well, the second game did wind up rather 'consolised' in many ways. I did not mind that though, I even preferred using a controller, and sincerely hope they do find a bigger market. Read more

I don't think ME2 DLC was ever on Steam. The PC stuff is only sold on the BioWare site (which is what's so funny about the latest DA2 EA and Steam thingy). Read more

Let's hope they go on sale sometime on PC. =( Read more

OK, having just finished the campaign I can say definitely buy it that way. Total anticlimax. I mean, it's fun but not varied enough like the earlier games (and that's saying something). Would probably be better if I had someone to play with though... Read more

I'm not saying Reach is bad but I do not like what a lot of the equipment does to games. I think those elements meant trying to add any balance or significant 'flow' to the whole thing becomes a lot harder because of all the options this gives, armour-lock is fucking annoying sometimes. Read more

Oh, no. They now chant it more than ever, I think. Possibly at the end of every mission. =p Read more

I found Just Cause 2 quite taxing as well. Read more

I'm yet to try the Kasumi DLC. Not sure if it's worth the cost, although I'll probably wind up getting that and Arrival closer to ME3's launch. Shadow Broker was good and Overlord was OK but I wasn't 'wowed' by them. Read more

I know the above commenter only has a PS3 but I have to say I found Halo 3 the most 'accessible'. I'm not big on multiplayer shooters nor many FPSs in general but I absolutely loved it. Read more

It is good but I think, because it does some things differently, it has lost a little of the charm. There are some annoying gameplay changes and it could have done with a bit more variety in the environments as well, but it's still got the same spirit and does a slightly better job of portraying the chaos. Read more

"Ten bucks says I kill more o' these 'an you" Read more

Oh, yeah, they definitely know what they're doing. Read more

Arkham Asylum had probably my favourite combat system of any action game. For the most part, it suited the character so well and really was an example of 'easy to pickup, hard to master'. The only gripes would be that The Goddamn Batman could not straight up disarm a guy with a stun-stick, although I understand the Read more

Discussing hair does have its pitfalls though! Read more

I think it's the same for everyone, it just does not like the shrinking down process that happens for all images. Read more