Gita Jackson's saved articles

Gita Jackson
Staff Writer

My biggest question about this, as someone who counts the original Bloodlines as one of his top 5 favorite games of all time, is: will any of the quests be as awesome as that haunted house quest from the first one? Cause that shit was dope. Read more

My dream postgame has always been becoming a gym leader. Build a gym like a secret base in Gen 3 but better, recruit trainers from around the world to fill it, and build eight teams with varying restrictions to take on challengers of all levels (if you’re a kid’s first gym you only get two mons at low levels, but if Read more

I like the idea of a heavy metal-looking Steel gym leader Read more

I always thought a mirror gym would have been cool... A real hall of mirrors... Then my team would be six dittos.  Read more

One of my ideas for how Pokemon can do new ideas without straying too far from the roots would be to keep gyms but either lose or dial back on the type-focused gyms. We’ve had so many cool gyms that are built around a theme that I feel like that should be the way to go instead of just a specific typing. Depending on Read more

Roxie, not electric but definitely rock star

You can judge all modern Vampire fiction by the amount of, and intensity of, its weird goth-club industrial dancing. Read more

That’s fine, I can deal with the weird dancing as long as Chiasm’s Isolated is still a track in the game. Early aughts Goth Techno is a prerequisite for this game as far as I’m concerned.
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Oh my gosh, Activision QAed that dance hard because we snuck it in at the last minute. They wanted to show that it created bugs to highlight the danger of adding features after the cut-off. But it worked. Read more

Don’t forget the beginning of Blade with the blood shower in the night club, followed by one of the more badass first appearances of any hero in a Marvel movie:

I had a chance to play this at PAX East and besides what you mentioned, what impressed me was how tight and responsive the controls were. Read more

had not heard of this. but yeah, love psychonauts, love jsr/jgr and weird visually expressive musical games(also child of Eden) so this is firmly in my alley.
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I’m interested. I wonder how r&b group members would be represented, if they’re represented at all. The infighting between boss characters sounds like it could be fun.  Read more

Nothing about Jurassic World Evolution, which is pretty much this but with non-extinct animals? Read more

Yeah but does it have Ray Tracing?  And 120fps with 8k support? Read more

Although you won’t be seeing drunk chimps in the game itself Read more

I like to point people at Monster Hunter: World myself. Monster Hunter has a sizeable roster of it’s own, yet for the most recent game, it’s missing a ton of monsters, due to the fact that like Pokemon, it had been based on handheld systems and with the latest entry, a -lot- more work has had to be done to bring them Read more