Gita Jackson's saved articles

Gita Jackson
Staff Writer

I don’t come here often but when I do and I see one of your Dwarf Fortress stories I get a little excited. I think I will download it when I get home and dig into it a bit. I look forward to your next DF story 😄 Read more

This is my second favorite game to read about, that I don't play. Right behind Eve. Though, with more articles like this, that could change.  Read more

I can see the every other generation like this: Read more

With that header image I was excitedly looking for a Sim with a Petunia tattoo. Read more

Between Pokémon Go and Sleep, and my Anker BodySense smart scale, I hope that Japan and China share my data and let me know when I should go get myself checked with a doctor.  Read more

Big ups to whoever did the first one for picking Sleep’s Holy Mountain instead of Dopesmoker. Read more

The only thing more fascinating that listening to people talk about their Sims series playstyles is listening to them talk about what kinds of mods they enjoy most, because no other series in all of gaming reveals more of what we’re really like as people through play quite like The Sims. Read more

It’s free and if you add it to your library it’s yours forever. Read more

While the Twitch crowd are people who see everything as a joke and never vote. Read more

It’s obviously not sufficient on its own, but radicalizing younger generations towards leftist politics—and at the very least turning them away from the neo-fascist reactionary bullshit you often see among Gamers™ on Twitch—is an unambiguous good. Read more

cool, gotta have someone at least trying to counter the reactionary shit that dominates gaming culture Read more

You’re missing the point. The incredible amount of time it would take to convince those type of people to come to your side would be better spent informing younger voters of how they and why they should vote, in my opinion. Because they already believe a lot of the more left leaning policies and don’t need to be Read more

His point is more that the older generations are much more prone to not changing their minds and would prefer to be in their echo chamber, which is exactly how people manipulate the internet to their advantage. So wasting your time with them isn’t worth it compared to generations that have grown up using the internet Read more

We get only a few big budget FPS games every year, so I’m glad that developers are really setting each franchise apart. Like how Borderlands 3 will be a zany open world FPS set in a dieselpunk wasteland with randomized loot, but Rage 2 is a zany open world FPS set in a dieselpunk wasteland without randomized loot. Read more

I’m enjoying the game so far, but I’ll agree that the marketing for the game set up an expectation for a much more absurd experience than we got. I’m digging the colorful Mad Max kinda vibe, but it’s a far cry from the idea of Mad Max if it was written by Hunter S Thompson and directed by James Gunn that the marketing Read more

Everything I’ve heard about the game makes it sound terribly lazy (except for the environments). Writing, enemy design, combat design, quest design - lazy lazy lazy. You’re not going to find that much fun when even the people making it are bored. Read more

I feel like the game is forcing me to do a lot of back and forth on the map just to pad time, even with the fast travel to the trade towns it’s still a slog to get a mission at one corner of the map then get told to go over to another point on the opposite end of the map for the next mission. And the lack of bad guy Read more

Its pretty much exactly what I expected it to be by the sounds of it. I could just save my money and play DOOM again lol Read more

In the three hours I’ve played, I’ve driven in the desert, found an Ark, killed off the bandits guarding it, gotten a new ability, killed more bandits, and then gotten back in my ride. Rinse, repeat. Read more