GameBuddy - Voices? I got 'em.'s discussions

GameBuddy - Voices? I got 'em.

Twin Snakes seems to insite a lot of negative feelings, personally, I loved it. It brought me into the series. I also love how David Hayter took a pay cut to bring back the majority of the original voice cast. THAT'S dedication. Read more

Yeah, it definitely sets up for whatever "Genesis" is going to be. I wouldn't be surprised if the end of 225 stays true in 230 just to shake things up. Read more

As a CIS major, I cannot watch anything in Hollywood with computers anymore. If they aren't making NOISES while they CALCULATE, they're using some asinine Swordfish interface that makes no sense. Read more

Would you honestly want to play the Star Fox 64 multiplayer mode online? It wasn't exactly the most enriching experience to begin with. Read more