Mike Fahey's discussions

Mike Fahey
Kotaku elder, lover of video games, keyboards, toys, snacks, and other unsavory things.

The Gunlance is called a Glance. And it delivers Glancing Blows. Read more

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But . . . he could miss. And you know what happens when a T-rex misses a high-five.

I suggested the just give her giant hands. They did not think that was a good idea. Hmph. Read more

I was describing the combat, liked the word as it went well with strategy. I meant no offense, and it’s been changed. Read more

Hahahahaha. Love that.

DJMax started on PC back in 2006, but moved pretty quickly to PSP and mobile. Read more

You are correct! I was in the middle of a pile of keycaps when I wrote this, and got all turned around. Luckily the folks at PimpMyKeyboard quickly corrected me, and I can never buy from them again out of shame. SHAME. Read more

I hate the word! But yeah, dismissive? Sure. Vague box, likely android console, just read that they plan on crowdfunding it. Hitting all the wrong switches for me. Read more

There is not an ounce of hate for Atari here. Read more

I don’t really think it is, not in this format at least. Read more

Battleborn was not a shitty rip-off though. People only thought it was. Read more

There are constantly FC’s looking for new people. I stumbled upon a really friendly one by accident. Now they are sorry they ever met me. Read more

Right, and noted, but the rest of their stuff is . . . well. Read more