Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Great article and everything you said is true. I mean sure, Houston is looking pretty bad right now but Dallas looks downright abysmal. One can even pinpoint the Outlaws flaws and what they need to fix. (No teally good Tracer main on the roster and they need to learn to live without using the old Mercy as a crutch) Read more

I love SonicFox so was absolutely rooting for him, but Goichi absolutely ran circles here around him here. Damn powerful player. Read more

Goichi’s defense was on another level. He’s use to blocking tougher stuff from other fighting games. Also, SonicFox lost some games to Kazunoko before this exhibition happened. Read more

When my solo queue teammates both do the same thing at the same time, it’s usually trying to take the ball off the hood of my car for no reason. This seems a bit more productive.
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In fencing terms this would be a feint, or a simulated attack designed to provoke a specific response. Read more

Good to see a charitable cause trend that isn’t dangerous. Read more

Gon was and is the king of cheese in Tekken.

I used to love selecting him back when he first came out, if only because it infuriated my friends; his hitbox is so damned small compared to other characters that it’s practically criminal.

I mean, his moveset isn’t the best, but being able to evade most mid/high attacks Read more

I’m a huge Philly fan, but we’ve seen this before - they dominated the start of Stage 1, and then became one of the least consistent teams in the league. Eqo is a great addition (well, not addition, but you know what I mean), but his aggression isn’t going to fix their inconsistency. Read more

Much in the same way that Boston thrived with the Mercy Dive meta last patch the Fusion are just one of the best dive teams in the entire league. Shadowburn and Carpe are the stars but holy shit Boombox and Neptuno won god knows how many team fights in that game against Houston.
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Best part, Yamcha is also legit. That makes me so happy.
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I’m not even a fan of Dragon Ball Zed but this game is so fuckin cool looking Read more

Me this entire article and watching these fights.

I think it’s one of the benefits of DBFZ is how accessible it is. I see it as less about performing highly technical inputs and more about reading your opponent. It also doesn’t hurt that the game is gorgeous. Read more

As a regular at xanadu’s fgc monthlies I’m stoked about the new location. Their last fgc monthly last weekend was bittersweet - everyone came out to celebrate in case it was the end. So glad it’ll get a second wind! Read more