Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

One important thing to add (which makes it even more impressive): when you drop straight off the ceiling in RL, you get an unlimited amount of time to use your dodge (or second jump, usually you only get ~1s after your first to use it). So Squishy saved the dodge for right before the defender was going to challenge... Read more

I’m lucky if I can even get an ariel at all. All those years of playing racing games where you sit on the nitro have destroyed my sense of finesse. Props to these guys. Read more

This was my first time watching a RLCS Final and it was pretty damn exciting. I just got into Rocket League during the Summer, a late joiner, but I’ve enjoyed my time with it so much. Seeing the crazy things that the players can do makes me want to push myself to practice and get to the point where I can do some Read more

Playing on a real cab? Hardcore. OldManBaka approves. (Oh man, and they’ve got two cabs in there?! Nice!) Read more

That was an awesome championship match Read more


I remember this happening a lot when I used to play classic KOF games, way more than on SF. Read more

Haha, that was beautiful. :D
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There’s massive pitchforking on reddit at the moment, with all of the collective brainpower that usually entails, and this whole incident is actually probably a good example of why people really need to stop leaning on Reddit as the One & Only Portal For Interacting With Your Community. It’s just a massive slavering Read more

I’m still waiting for another Blizzard Classical character release. They got a few more solid ideas. Also Lost Vikings is, not my style to control. Read more

What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
Chat disabled for 2 seconds.
Chat disabled for 2 seconds.
What a save!
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Hell, that’s nothing. I can do that from across the court. And these people call themselves pros. Read more

Saw him play a bunch of overwatch. Dude was really good.
30 years old is way too fucking young.

RIP, InternetHulk. Read more

I did not personally know the guy but I know people who played with him and of his reputation with people in his circles. And, by all accounts, he was a pretty swell guy. It’s sad when anybody passes but when it’s out of nowhere like this and the guy was pretty young too it’s especially sad. My thoughts go out to his Read more

Fuck. Hulk was by all accounts a really great guy. Surprisingly good OW player, too, considering his geriatric status. Read more

Ten hours!?! TEN HOURS!?! I’m pretty sure our congress didn’t even analyze/debate the most recent tax code overhaul that long. I’m not even sure if I’m amazed or terrified. I don’t think I could do anything for ten straight hours, let alone talk for that long. Read more

Traditional sports also had balance patches. In basketball, the shot clock was added to prevent teams from hoarding the ball. The three point shot was added to counterbalance the prevalence of slam dunks. Read more