Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

I main Kirby because I like to reminisce the days of old as I sail off of the side of the screen. Read more

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That wasn’t even the craziest thing to happen in that game. A sure pick six turned into no points for ‘Schemin’ because his player fell down at the one yard line after he entered an input that was supposed to make his player do a dabbing-type motion when the player had no stamina remaining. He was then stopped from

Played it wrong. That call is a two step drop and you hit the slant for an easy 10 yards at least if the defense AI doesn’t fuck you over with teleporting LBs. Read more

I had a caw league for a brief period and really liked doing it. I focused around politicians and some TV pop culture. It was really fun to create a story from the ground up in a way that is not possible with any other platform. As a filmmaker/comedian , it was a cool way to get something out there when you sometimes Read more

Pros figured out pretty quick that he’s best at the 4/roaming spot. I haven’t played him as much since the last 2 nerfs, but I like him best there too. Read more

I run a CAW League, VWF (Vixenz Wrestling Federation), which is currently on hiatus since WWE 2k14, until 2K & Yukes get it straight and bring back Story Designer & a proper Highlight Reel, where you can actually control the camera. Those AND hacking to make women compete in Royal Rumble and MITB matches were the Read more

Hey, thought it would be worth pointing out since it wasn’t in the article, not ALL of VGCW is dying out. The female division, WVGCW, is still going to go forward beyond when VGCW ends and is actually going to move on to WWE 2K17 in spite of the lack of story creator; creative found a way to get around it. And one of Read more

I was actually heavely involved in an E-Fed. I’ve since stopped playing and doing anything like that however. Read more

Different topic, but same line of thought: This is why I was against Valve doing paid mods for Skyrim. While I love using their service, they seem to make it very difficult for aftermarket content creators. Read more

On the one hand, everyone should be fairly compensated for their work, be they freelancers, artists, contractors, etc etc. I hope these hard working artists are able to return to adequate pay soon. Read more

The Democratic Party is reviewing this strategy for the 2018 midterms. Unfortunately so far they have yet to agree on the make and model of the overturned car. Read more

If a sportsman in any sport tried to slur another player by referring to them as ‘mentally handicapped’ I’m pretty sure there would be ramifications, this is not confined to the internet. Hell we’ve had people given bans from football in the UK for things they said on Twitter. Read more

Glad to hear it, now get Forsen back in there! Read more


Omg I’m in awe. That bomb strategy is insane. I’m gonna have to remember that one. Read more


I main Link and I can’t count how many times the bomb trick saved my ass against an over confident, taunting opponent. Read more

I haven’t played the last few Smash games so I have one question: is Bowser still complete ass? Because I always WANT to play as him and always get punished for it.
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There is a competitive Smash 64 scene. It is just not present as Melee and Smash 4 Read more

One of the things that really sets Smash 4 apart from Melee is, of course, the huge roster. In Melee, it’s relatively easy to learn how to match up against different characters (and the meta is so mature every matchup has been reviewed to death), so most of the interactions are well known and discussed. In Smash 4, Read more