Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Until a recent patch this was a daily thing you could do in Duelyst for 5 gold, I always liked doing them as a way to learn new cards and figure out the puzzle but they removed it in favor of just getting a random card each day :( I appreciate the card, but I wish they’d kept that feature too. Read more

You guys remember InQuest Magazine’s Dead Man’s Hand feature by the great Jeff Hannes? Read more

Damn, seeing the entire UoL team with head-in-hands after baaaaaarely failing was tough. Read more

I mean, the fact that it almost worked shows that the idea had some merit and the TP ward in the base was about to expire, so it was now or never. However, it was executed extremely poorly with the Ryze ult channelling as G2 was already back in the base and the Gnar knowingly TPing in vision, so any surprise factor is Read more

I think this could be kind of cool for regular players, if they applied it to a mini-game in their rotating game mode. Like, can you and your team pull off Cloud 9's amazing comeback versus TSM from the 2012 World Championships? And then the game would start from the point in that historic match where it looked like Read more

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Players just deal with it. See this video for an idea. Some context; there is a character named Pudge, who’s kinda like Blitzcrank. He can hook people to his position. Years ago, there was a bug where if Pudge was instantly teleported back to base via a spell, the hooked target would be brought all the way back to

They could LOCK the sandbox until level 20. :D
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I have a feeling ike with his Ragnell will end up being the perfect answer, especially if it his Radiant Dawn variation. In his games Ragnell let him hit 1-2 spaces and in Radiant Dawn he was quite tanky and fast in late game. I could easily see him being the perfect counter to takumi teams. Read more

So takumi’s as much of a jerk in this game as in fates. Read more

Rolled him twice as a 5 star. Can’t lose against Takumi if you have two Takumi.