Eric Van Allen's discussions

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

I went from League to Dota 2, though I had (very) mild experience with Dota 1. In general, League is a little more defined in its pacing—there’s a much clearer lane phase that shifts into a teamfighting phase and the lategame. Matches average out to be shorter, abilities have lower cooldowns and mana costs.
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Departure I could understand (though I think most games can have both serious and silly). Read more

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Here’s the full interview with Jerad, courtesy of interviewer Jen, if y’all would like to see the whole thing.

To be fair, most memes destroy the subreddit for at least 24 hours. Read more

I was watching that trailer and knew something was off, that is really strange. It just magically moves arms mid-animation in either direction. Read more

I mean, that’s the fascinating part, right? That most people know of Ben Drowned as this creepy Zelda story, and by all means, it was a work of its time. Calling it one of the most well-known, well-read creepypasta stories is not a stretch. Read more

Trying to capture all of what Ben Drowned eventually became is daunting to say the least, so I tried to keep it focused on just the first arc, which most are familiar with to some degree. Read more

The ideal end goal is what you said: that eventually the good and bad drivers get partitioned off into their corners, which is great over the long run for good drivers. Read more

I keep going back and forth because of that. Taking a bump because you made a risky maneuver is definitely in the wheelhouse of sportsmanlike conduct, and like you mentioned, spotting trouble from other drivers is a big part of it. Read more

It’s definitely a very different feel. I loved GT3 on the PS2, but since I never got a PS3 I skipped over a large section of this series until now, and in that time got used to Burnout or Need For Speed style racing. Read more

I haven’t played it on Pro or with VR so I can’t really comment on that. Being a racing game, it probably (definitely) has some bells and whistles on the visual end if you go for a Pro, but it plays just fine on my normal PS4. Read more

One of my roommates in college played only Zelda, and would spam that side-B to no end. Read more

Huh, strange. had him listed under Noble when I checked the brackets earlier today. Thanks for the heads up! Read more