Eric Van Allen's discussions

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Moonduck did a tournament series like this called Elimination Mode, where heroes who won in days prior were banned, and fans could vote on community bans as well. It was a really cool series, hoping they do more like it. Read more

I just saw the Punk walk-up with Kenny Omega and the other pros dressed as Pokemon, so good. A lot of the Smash players this morning had great ones too, like CaptainZack and ZeRo. Read more

A leftover phrase from editing and moving sentences around, what I get for writing during the matches. Haha. Read more

CEO uses a lot of wrestling imagery and staging, from the championship belts to the rings and having walk-ups for the top eight competitors. In the past couple years, they’ve had pro wrestlers show up as well—Xavier Woods and Kenny Omega were both in attendance and competed. Read more

Ah, thanks for the heads up, the source I first saw it at mentioned CEO. Updated in the body. Read more

Yeah, a lot of the higher-end sticks have compartments. Usually players store cables and maybe headphones or something in them, but theoretically you could put anything small enough in there. Read more

I must’ve missed them first time around, but listening back to the first VOD I can hear it. That’s really unfortunate they went there for jokes. :/ Read more

It’s certainly an interesting dichotomy, because while Valve doesn’t run the scene in the same way Riot runs League’s, the circuit is still dominated by majors and the space between them. A lot of my favorite Dota 2 moments come not just from Internationals, but also from community events and even non-competitive Read more

I really want to check that out on PC, I adored the PlayStation 4 version but I’m wondering if it will feel as good on M+KB. Read more

Yes! The first time I actually played it back at PAX South, it immediately reminded me of Virtual On. Even the motion controls feel like you’re playing a twin-joystick arcade game at times. Read more

From what Nintendo has said, it seems Splatoon 2 has a dedicated observer/spectator mode. Haven’t seen any details on it besides that, though. Read more

Liquid has really been showing up since Kiev. They’ve really grown this season and at this point, are probably a shoe-in for an invite to TI alongside OG and EG. Read more

By 31 minutes in, Liquid were far enough ahead to feel confident diving the fountain (the respawn point for EG, which is guarded by an anti-camping cannon). Read more

Yeah, Nairo Saga certainly isn’t the first to do this, but I really like the team colors and tourney flair that you mentioned. Project M has an (obvious) history in modding, but seeing other Smash tourneys make use of it for events like these is really neat. Read more

The battle pass quests are still neat, but yeah, the campaign was the big selling point. Read more

The checkpoint thing is definitely the biggest issue I have. It’s really defeating to finally beat a boss or get through a tough mob group, then wipe to traps and lose all of that. Read more

Ghalt’s landmines were a really cool take on the hook character. Also, I think his hook had a really cool power-up that made it all lightning-y, but it’s been a while since I last played him (I was an ISIC and Orendi player). Read more

Interesting twists for the main missions, they start to feel indistinguishable from the side content after a while. Return of multiplayer. Gadgets that let me create new traversal options on the fly. Read more