Eric Van Allen's discussions

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

In the first video you can see him go through the menus and adjust the resolution down to 720p. Read more

There is a question of whether or not there’s merit to the resolution issue, regardless of it being used as a cop-out. Luckily nowadays we have the tools and folks who know how to use them, so by Friday I’d bet there will be a confirmation on whether changing the resolution could actually make a noticeable difference Read more

Play more old games, in my opinion. Tons of games that are ten, twenty years old are still incredibly hype to watch today. Earlier at Combo Breaker today, there was a Soul Calibur 2 tournament and it was awesome. Read more

Now playing

Ethan sent me this YouTube video of double KOs earlier, featuring some from either arcade or online play:

There’s been something of a revival thanks to Steam and Kickstarter projects. They’re usually a little clunky in terms of user interface and such, but if you have a soft spot for this sort of game, there’s a few gems to find like Dekker and Contradiction. Read more

It was a weird coincidence, we were actually discussing that lead image earlier when she came back up on stream for this match. She’s definitely an expressive player when she’s on stream. Read more

Yeah, they get used interchangeably a lot but jumping around can be jarring. Read more

That happens with some names, one of my first Dota 2 tournaments I couldn’t figure out who Xboct was because I read that name to be pronounced as “ex-bokt” instead of “huh-vost.” Read more

It must’ve auto-corrected on me, fixed in the body. Even reading that now, my mind wants to auto-fill an “r.” Read more

There’s a lot of history to go over in the EE blog, literally pages and pages, so I wanted to quickly sum up its relation to the competition (in terms of headset-to-monitor contact) and move on with the story. Read more

If I’ve learned anything about esports, it’s that searching “competitive _____” always results in something. Read more

The games were still competitive, though. As they noted in the post-game, there’s a gap between SKT and the rest of the world, but G2 showed it’s at least bridgeable. At a few points in each loss, it could have easily gone G2's way. Read more

Updated! Sometimes you’re thinking the right thing but type the wrong one. Read more

In the case of a tie, the player with more “away” goals wins (which was almost the case in the game above). But overall score still wins, and if both aggregate score and “away” score are tied, the match goes to a sudden death on the second game’s system, where first goal takes it. Read more

I feel the same. As I said above, I’d love to be proven wrong, and there’s a passionate grassroots scene for 2K. But this league already feels like putting the cart in front of the horse. Read more

There’s no shame here, I looked up my dollar-spent count the other day and it was both horrifying and somehow the lowest amount out of my Discord group’s. Read more

This is a very good point, especially for TOs. When tournaments already run the span of multiple days and pools keep getting bigger, that delay starts to really add up. Read more