Eric Van Allen's discussions

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

It’s sad, because I have fond memories of voice chat in games like Modern Warfare and even the early days of SOCOM, but lately, I’ve been quick to hit the mute or even playing with all-mute in games like PUBG. Read more

Agreed, sad they’re leaving but happy for where they’re going (the Overwatch League). Read more

Woops, thanks for the heads up! Yeah, don’t think that name would fly in the final release. Haha. Read more

It’s definitely been better the last year or so though, with teams like OG and EG sticking it out for longer. Some rosters have figured out their lineup and stick with it, for the most part. Read more

It was actually inspired by a conversation I had last night while playing Dota, where we spent half the time going over who was on what team and which team was whose former’s. It can get confusing, especially if you only tune in during the Majors / Internationals. Read more

Woah, this is really cool! I’ll be the first to admit that sim racing is in my esports blind-spot, but I’m always happy to check this stuff out whenever I stumble across it. Gonna mark this down as a scene to keep an eye on. Read more

These are both sites you could find with a simple Google search. Also, in no way am I advocating that anyone make use of these sites; frankly, given my experience, they seem to be more trouble than they’re worth. Read more

I tried to avoid going too in-depth on the actual details of what I did, as our intention isn’t to write a how-to for scripting. The intention from the outset was to see for ourselves what the actual route for prospective scripters is, and learn a little firsthand from attempting to do so. Read more

I’m not sure of the year/creator, but a place near me used to have an Addams Family table that was really fun to play. Read more

Watching this, it’s definitely the style I would’ve wanted during the finals. They’re being very clear about the mechanics of the table, discussing the score, stakes, etc. The unique sections of each table and their goals are really cool! Read more

“Top team” was just a way to succinctly say they were in the top three of EU teams. Read more

To my knowledge (and with a cursory Google search) there’s no cap on Legion Commander’s Duel damage, if that’s what you’re referring to. Read more

You gotta figure out how to sandwich the weird ideas in between good ones, to fool Marchman. That TV programming class I took for credits is paying dividends in pitch meetings. Read more

True! I was only thinking of who could apply Deso debuff in an area. Read more

And Weaver too! But applying it to every hero within an area is still really strong. Only MK and Ember can really pull that off, unless I’m forgetting someone. Read more