Brian Crecente's discussions

Brian Crecente

Likely no, there aren't. The PC version wasn't available to play until midnight and everyone is in a rush to review these days. Read more

I think you're right about many gamers, but I also think that as these different ways to have fun mesh together people will see both as things they're willing to pause. Why not pause Rage to watch your favorite show with a friend. Or pause your favorite show to play Rage? It's all about choices and taste. Read more

Right, here's the thing. How do we know this is an important plot point. What if it's the entire premise? Is it a spoiler that a part of Arkham has been turned into a prison? I think that's the thing we're not really sure how significant this is to the story, the fact that the developers are marketing the game with Read more

Reader LightSamus has some interesting perspective about the same information being presented during a public demo, without (it sounds like) warning. Read more

Thanks for the perspective LightSamus. As I said in an email exchange with one reader: We don't know the entirety of the Batman story. We never know the entire story until a game comes out and we play it. We have to, in some cases, rely on the judgement of the people who make a game to determine if what they're Read more

I always donate my swag at the end of the year during a fundraiser. :) Read more

The four that didn't run in the feature this morning. That comes after three. See I can count! Read more

Well I'm not sure if harder discussion would have lead to a different decision. The people who made the game gave us the news. We reported the news. Read more

Did I write two comments? Because the only one I recall writing doesn't say any of that. Read more

It looks like there are a lot of conflicted reactions here. I'd hazard a guess that if the developers decided that this was something that they wanted reporters to see and write about, they didn't view it as a major plot point. Read more

What are your favorite earbuds? I'm always looking for new suggestions on those. Read more

I just want to have it look like the Kindle does out in the sun, but I know that's crazy. Read more