Cameron Kunzelman's discussions

Cameron Kunzelman
I've played all of the Baldur's Gate games.

In the presentation, they spoke about the new games in relation to the books they have published and the upcoming film, so this is maybe a bid to establish the term “universe” (as opposed to, say, brand) when talking about the different Minecraft products. Read more

I’m not trying to be dismissive or have any sort of tone. Maybe “several” hours is more appropriate, and I’m actually shocked that this was done within 11 hours. That seems short for what is occurring on-screen! It’s really a wonderful work. Read more

I like that lots of ideas get floated in the novel and never get revisited. There’s something great about them doing lots of philosophy that cannot be proved or disproved until some of it can! And then, at the end, there’s still clearly a level of philosophical inquiry that would need more tools and methods that not Read more

I think it is just a loss in vibrance from original stream to video to my gif above. The original stream is much closer to the sprite colors you posted. Read more

This happens fairly often. Heather Alexandra has done some great deep-dives on older games, and Ethan Gach does as well. I’ll probably be writing about these sports games for a minute. Read more

As I tweeted while watching, the judge call against him and Nass was another moment where that professionalism was great. Read more