Brian Ashcraft's discussions

Brian Ashcraft

@Ken: While the setting was fairly realistic, as far as gameplay is concerned, I don't think being able to carry over one thousand rounds of ammunition or recover from multiple shots to the face by ducking to catch your breath are very realistic. Read more

Am I the only person who thought respawning enemies were actually a good idea? It forced you into moving around under fire, rather than taking out everyone from one spot and then strolling to the mission objective. #modernwarfare2 Read more

If I get this game I'll probably end up turning it down, something I'd never thought I'd say a year ago. I'm all for bloody, gory games, both in the realistic sense, and the occasional larger than life sense, but some games these days (I'm looking at you Dragon Age, not just L4D2!) don't have "realistic" or even cool Read more

Good. I honestly wish all games booted you out of party chat when you joined a multiplayer chat. While it helps for organizing games, the introduction of party chat has meant that no one ever talks in actual matches on most games anymore. #modernwarfare2 Read more

@Z33RO: I'm pretty sure that's the point. They're making a statement. I'm not sure what it is yet but it's really profound I assure you and I'm only half joking. #modernwarfare2 Read more

1. Holdovers from Arcade games. Unless your game is actually an arcade game or at least heavily inspired by one, I do not want to see a title screen with "Press Start," especially since these days on most games the menu screen looks identical to the start screen, just with a menu. Read more

Too bad, Hulu was more convenient and better for my conscience than piracy. That said, if they start charging for broadcast content I don't think going back to my old ways will hurt my conscience much after all. #hulu Read more

@acefisher1: No swearing? Really? The other two I wholeheartedly agree with but kicking people for naughty words is incredibly childish and generally the result of powertripping asshole admins. #infinityward Read more

The real villain here is the US Patent and Trademark Office. How the fuck is it legal to trademark a common English word? Read more

No anime art. Not interested. It's the combination of THREE things that makes a winning combo, not 2. Read more

The queues are only really bad on certain, more popular servers. I haven't had to wait more than 10 minutes on Ariel. After playing WoW pre-BC, that's nothing. Read more

"Just rest assured that Funcom won't stop until The Secret World is perfect, and if their ambitions match the final product, we could be in for something spectacular." Read more

@Luziphir: I mean don't get me wrong, the Japanese one isn't really that great, but the left one is just horrible. Read more

@Deegs: Except all this will do is fuck over paying customers while pirates wait a couple of months for the next hack to come out. Read more

Good to see Sony keeping with their grand tradition of fucking over all of their normal customers while laying down what barely amounts to a speed-bump in the way of Piracy. Read more