"How to handle Tenebrium quest book had been increased to unlimited uses". Finally! My only other major gripe with the game is when you respec, you lose the skillbooks you can't buy from vendors, and some of them are very very useful (pretty much to the point you don't want to respec). I know there is supposed to be a… Read more
Opening the article up with basically "This makes me super uncomfortable" maybe should have been a clue they needed to reassign this. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for non-gamers giving their perspective but this just came across as someone who already had a strong bias against violent video games. Read more
Yes he does!
"How do we reach a readership that is accustomed to seeing people dying en masse in war zones as a result of games like this one?" Read more
What exacty the hell is wrong with this guy that playing a game made him feel nauseous while setting up shots in iraq is 'zen'? Read more
Great news but I started playing BL2 again this weekend; getting pumped for the Prequel-Sequel!
now we can only hope for a Steam Workshop update so we can get mods directly from Steam. Read more
Doubt he missed them — probably figured he'd post something else. Funny how that works. Read more
You missed the anime reviews that were posted over the weekend. Read more