I think the Dev got it wrong. Kids do not want to play alpha or not at all. Read more
I think the Dev got it wrong. Kids do not want to play alpha or not at all. Read more
I'm curious if anyone knows of any games that followed this model before Minecraft. As far as I remember, Minecraft was the game that pioneered this model, for better or worse. I think it was well done for Minecraft. Buy the game half price when the game was half done, 3/4 price when 3/4 done, full price when fully… Read more
Like many other things in the games industry, it's hard not to be against this on principle, knowing that despite having positive qualities, that major publishers will find ways to abuse and ruin it. This whole enterprise says consumers will happily pay for unfinished games.... So why would major developers and… Read more
And here is a prime example of what is wrong with the so called "gaming industry", the gaming industry has indeed become a joke, catering for "kids", there is the biggest problem. Maybe if the industry stopped catering for kids, we would actually get games that actually work on day 1 of their release instead of alpha… Read more
The only game I have bought in Early Access was Starbound. I am quite happy with it, Chucklefish is doing great work. Read more
i got an idea ask a fan who actually has experienced more than one in development game from beginning to end, every developer has their own goals and plans on making money. its all about making money. Read more
Tastes like chimichangas
Roth is a pretty cool dev in my book. I was looking at buying Maia on Early Access and posted in the community forums on Steam, asking how my computer would handle the game before I spent money on it. Roth personally responded by giving me the performance breakdown and wasn't afraid to be honest about the fact that my… Read more
What I still don't get is why there isn't just a section or tab just for early access. A tab that doesn't just note new games just launching into early access, but games that are putting out new substantial updates, and a best seller list just for them. This method of distribution is only increasing in popularity,… Read more
I don't like idea of paying for an Alpha version of a game. It just kinda rubs me the wrong way. I DID pay for Early Access of State of Decay, so I did at least try this system. But it's not the games you get to play, it's the fact that you're paying for something that is a promise, one that can easily be broken. Read more
I do appreciate a lot of aspects of Steams Indie dev friendly design now. But there is a garbage problem. I think perhaps the wall for pushing games out on Steam could stand to be a little higher and there should perhaps be some sort of limit on how many releases a developer can do a week before the games dont show up… Read more
this is video was in the style of "smack my b*tch up" by prodigy.
Valve REALLY needs to do a better job curating both their proper released games, and their early access games. It's getting to the point now where I don't even want to look at the recently released tab. I used to get excited every day to see if there was a new gem on there, as they were actually pretty common.… Read more
love the fact someone dressed like vegeta fresh out the shower. Read more
The best bits were the Jenga bit (pure Deadpool trolling) and the Pedobear chase! Read more
*Sigh* this only brings back painful memories. Read more
You all disappoint me. this many comments and not ONE of these?