@5:20 Nope not playing this game ever.
Hmmm... FROM Software's Game of Thrones would be the best game ever- if done correctly.. Read more
First of all this is quite cool and makes for a better introduction than most RPGs get. I'd love to see more of these ideas translated from movies and series into games, like introducing your big open world RPG by presenting the world (which in the end is the main character of the game, if the game is done right)… Read more
"The First Sword of Bravil does not run." Read more
Look at this big, bulky thing. It will never catch on...
This is very well made, really lovely! I will have to share with my friends who are fans of both. Would be great to make the scale even larger and have a video of the capitals of Tamriel. I suppose mapping would be a problem, but now that we have ESO it wouldn't be as bad as working from scratch. Read more
Not bad but the GoT model intro was actually an inverse globe and not a regular one Read more