András Neltz's saved articles

András Neltz
Assistant editor at Kotaku, Dayshot poster, RPG lover, PC gamer. Currently playing Trails in the Sky FC.

Although light propagation is handled really well by this, there's still the issue of the pillar being refracted by the water that's behind it, which is an artefact of cheap approximations of light refraction. Can't wait for ray traced lighting solutions to become viable. There are some hybrids currently in operation Read more

Unreal Engine is cool, but it would be even better if we could see it in Unreal Tournament 2014!!!! Or UT 1999 GOTY 2014 Edition :) Please... Read more

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Global Illumination? That cutting edge graphics buzzword we only became a talked about thing with the advent of Half Life 2?

Or, ... you know ... PC. You could have to effects now in games, if you play'd on PC, and games were developed for PC. Read more

Overly detailed flowerpots was just a symptom of a much larger problem, as explained by Square Enix's GDC presentation, photos of which have recently been shared by Japanese gaming mag Famitsu (via Sankaku Complex). Read more

According to Square Enix, FFXIV ended up like it did because the developers, instead of adapting to changing trends in game design, opted to focus on graphics quality, failing to realize in the process that their game would just not be fun to play. The slides show how they came to the conclusion that in the end, it's Read more

I think square still has some work to do on "Never forget the fans" as they release game after game on the iOS to simply try and milk them for all they're worth, then drop out the weakest remake they've made of their classics. Read more

A lot of it is due to Yoshi-P (the guy they put in charge to salvage FFXIV). The man and his team have done amazing things, and he's not above taking shots at his own company. The man flat out said SE took it's fans for granted. Read more

Woah woah woah. Did someone at Squeenix just admit that they put too much effort into graphics while ignoring making the gameplay fun? Shit, I could have told them that the moment FFX was released. Read more

I always thought real life pokepuffs were Macarons with Meringue on top (along with other fixin's)

However lets look at the bigger picture. Unlike most companies, their demonstration illustrates a principle quite uncommon to most business. Transparency about weakness. And most successful business growth is seen when business looks at mistakes in an unfiltered way. Read more

I must have been one of the only ones that preferred pre-ARR XIV. Read more

As someone who's in charge of a not-small software team (25 people), I'd LOVE to see their entire presentation. There's bound to be some more useful wisdom in there. Read more

I've been on another gaming forum for quite a number of years and I kind of use those people as the canary in the proverbial coal mine. If they start talking about "You really need to see this because of the (insert overly complicated fuckery with the crafting system here.)," while not really pumping any other aspect Read more

When you juxtapose this with Square Enix's previous "We're always right" policy in game design that prevented them from considering player feedback... ESPECIALLY on the first iteration of XIV... the amount of sincere humility and graciousness it must have taken that company to make this slideshow is kind of incredible. Read more

just reached level 50 just now. gonna wait for my friends to help me with the last part then to end game. i fucking love this game. Read more

So basically they were too laser focused on the micro to look at the macro of the game development? That must be the game development version of 'Not seeing forest for the trees' Read more

Sorry, I haven't had the chance to play a Pokémon game since Silver. What are Poké Puffs? Read more

After all the time I spent stuffing those things into pokemon I never did find out, was there actually any difference between them? Read more