I actually like the idea of only 3 wheels, simply because it's something different. But they could have executed it better.
I actually like the idea of only 3 wheels, simply because it's something different. But they could have executed it better.
The Reliant Robin episode has to be one of my favorite Top Gear episodes. Seeing that thing roll over on its side again and again is endlessly amusing. Read more
so he beat Top Gear! =p
This article reads like a riddle to me. Seriously ... this will keep me up at night — and it's already 3:47AM and I'm still up as it is! To quote my 6-year-old nephew, "What the what?!?" Read more
The game didn't get uglier - the lighting was just bad in the recent trailer compared to what we saw before. Read more
If you don't want people judging you on trailer graphics then either don't set high expectations with bullshot images or don't release ugly trailers. Read more
The 90s have never looked this good! Read more
Because Araisikewai asked for it. :)
Kind of don't get this, when your guns take 60 seconds to 3 minutes to reload between shots the whole shooter bit kind of sucks. Read more
I don't think the anger directed at the game has ever been in the belief that it will look poor on the PC, but rather that those PC graphics were presented as being on the PS4. It was a poor bait and switch, which deserved to be derided. Read more
"PC on very high setting is REALLY stunning if you ask me... Trailer wasn't a good [graphics reference.]"
Shock! Demoing a game on PC hardware looks better then console hardware! Also water is wet and the sky is blue. Read more
And like that, the game I never knew I wanted just became the game I've always wanted.
Yes, please! Read more
Arrrr they going to have open beta? Read more
I'd recommend Napoleonic Wars if you actually want to play with muskets. Although there aren't any ships, destructible forts, 200+ multiplayer, artillary, and cavalry combat should make up for it. Read more