Their website stated that the pins would be available starting at 12pm PT, however they actually launched them about 30 minutes early, so more like 11:30am PT. I actually somewhat expected this and was logged in and ready to go. I did run into a few crash screens as it started to fail, but I did secure my pins. Lame… Read more
I gave my Bengal my old gaming chair when I got a Noble chair. From the time he was a kitten, I would give him a little space behind me for him to share the chair. When I got the leather Noble chair I stopped doing that, but kept the old chair for him. The things we do for cats.
He still hijacks where I’ve been… Read more
7 and 9 I totally get. But I've been building PCs for myself and others since 1999. In all that time, I've only run into ONE problem. That was a faulty 5960X CPU I got back in October, but I had it replaced inside a week which went smoothly with Newegg.
I had taken an online course in C++ and building PCs back in 1998… Read more
This is from FF4 on Steam.
Yes it is proper use of "wont" ... but it's still an eye sore... Considering the word "wont" is not what you'd call a commonly used word.
I nearly learned this the hard way... When she wrote a bad $900 check... ROFL, I ran to the bank before the check had a chance to even attempt to post and got my name off the account (which had been mine to begin with for over 7 years). Fortunately, I wasn't the one who got arrested for it a couple of years later.
Don't… Read more
Having been on the internet since 1994, that was something I knew back then, and still to this day know. I don't even trust family with account information though. But I've made some forms of exception over the years.
- Girlfriends have had access to my email, and one had access to my Final Fantasy XI account.
-… Read more
Reminded me of this scene from CRANK 2. Which for whatever reason whenever I encounter the movie on TV, it's ALWAYS on this very scene! XD
Basically describes me exactly, but I've held off on getting an XL since the moment the New 3DS was first announced. I've wanted an XL for a while, but just never got around to it. Priorities and all. Now I will certainly get a New 3DS, mainly just because of Xenoblade (which I own on the Wii already, I'm just a… Read more
Whew! I nearly threw myself out a window because I thought there was no hope for humanity if you really ended up with a 32bit OS in 2015. That would be like Comcast not giving me all HD channels in 2015... Wait... FFF! brb, throwing myself out a window now because Comcast failed me! But at least your PC didn't fail… Read more
Whew! I nearly threw myself out a window because I thought there was no hope for humanity if you really ended up with a 32bit OS in 2015. That would be like Comcast not giving me all HD channels in 2015... Wait... FFFFFF! brb, throwing myself out a window now because Comcast failed me! But at least your PC didn't fail… Read more
Whew! I nearly threw myself out a window because I thought there was no hope for humanity if you really ended up with a 32bit OS in 2015. That would be like Comcast not giving me all HD channels in 2015... Wait... FFFFFF! brb, throwing myself out a window now because Comcast failed me! But at least your PC didn't fail… Read more
lol, by what mac users once had... How far back do you mean? LOL, I was a mac user 20 years ago... I remember how limited it was. Then I hooked up with a girl who was a PC user. Lived with her for a year. Oh how I hated being stuck with her Windows 95 crap... Broke up, moved home, had my Mac back... I was like "Um,… Read more
I stopped playing back in September. I finished the main story on my own and that was mostly it. Not interested in the multiplayer or the random co-op. Everyone else I know was playing it on the 360 because they don't have xb1, so couldn't even co-op with anyone I know.
So yeah. Not a very single player friendly… Read more
Can't edit my "pending" post, but it's good that Ubisoft is making a big effort to those of us who got the gold edition (or have the season pass). Still doesn't resolve the actual problem as I already stated. I'd had even less to complain about ACU if that first patch hadn't added problems I didn't have (which was… Read more
The only problem I originally had was the framerate... The fact 2x GT 780 Ti Classifieds couldn't run the game completely maxed out @ 1920x1080 is total BS. Same problem with Watch Dogs. Unoptimized crap. Then they went and released that first patch and I started getting flashing textures, and Arno sometimes getting… Read more
So I'm curious Kotaku... Would you also post that a bank has undercover fbi or police at a bank looking to prevent a robbery? Even if this is news around on a forum or twitter, it doesn't mean it needs to publish it in the news!
Then again, I guess if the news game directly from Ubisoft...
Too bad Ubisoft doesn't have a… Read more
I used to think Squirrels were great... Then I put up bird feeders. That was when I learned the truth. Squirrels are evil. EVIL! Destructively evil furry critters that will stop at nothing to stuff their fat furry faces, and have claws that would give velociraptors nightmares. Then there was that one squirrel that was… Read more
Not that far in, but no boats... THAT'S A HUGE IMPROVEMENT.
Away from America. HUGE IMPROVEMENT.
Back to Europe. minor improvement. (GIVE ME ASIA DAMNIT!)
New ways to customize yourself. IMPROVEMENT.
Main character seems more interesting than Conner and Kenway combined. IMPROVEMENT
Controlling the rooftops again. HUGE… Read more