Yannick LeJacq's discussions

Yannick LeJacq

I don’t believe so, but I’d have to double check, that’s a good question! I know his big mace-swing can force her outta stealth, though. Read more

That’s a great idea! I’ll definitely work on something like that. Read more

Everyone should read this article about Reagan’s private conversations about AIDS at the start of the epidemic. Also:

Yeah I agree; I feel like Easyhoon would always be stuck backing up Faker (until Faker leaves SKT, if he ever does...) Read more

It would’ve been cool if Hulk had gone to see a therapist who helped him understand and ultimately control his emotions better. I feel like a lot of superheroes would be so much better off if they just had a good therapist and a legal weed prescription. Read more

Smash is still very small compared to other esports...even other fighting games! I think that Smash4 (the most recent one, for the Wii U) has been the first generation where players like HungryBox and Zero are even being signed to larger eSports orgs/teams at all...though I’ll have to double-check that. Read more

I just told my girlfriend about this. She didn’t seem too into the idea. Read more

I’ve had a very complicated relationship with my dad for basically my whole life and have often struggled with the fact that neither of my parents really consider a job involving video games to be the best use of my career/talents, so this moment hit me very hard : ( Read more

That would be too perfect if this mod became the next sleeper hit genre in video games. Read more

Happy thanksgiving to all you wonderful internet people!

I agree that there should be a better system than just luck of the draw. Another idea I’ve had is they could have all the players on both teams VOTE for a match pre-game and then pick one from all the possible choices. That’s the way Mario Kart 8 does things, and every other video game should be more like Mario Kart Read more

Really? The games I’ve played have all been super fast-paced so far. It seems like it pushes you directly into team fights and makes it really easy to do more and more damage to the enemy maps once things start rolling. Read more

Yeah they made it sound much more complex than it actually is in practice...though it was pretty overwhelming my first solo game on it. The towers switching sides was the weirdest thing to adjust to, the cannons felt very similar to the ones in the pirate map. Read more

This is all very interesting, thanks for the thoughtful response! I have picked up Genji and have been playing him a lot since he came out, in large part because I love how effective he is at taking out Widowmakers and Bastions. I’d say my favorite character in the game rn is Zenyatta, who’s awful against Widowmaker Read more

“Of course, he’s far from the perfect character. While deployed as a turret you’re immobile and generally unaware of what’s going on behind and beside you. Couple this with the fact your shield only deploys in the front and you can see that Bastion is incredibly vulnerable to attacks from the side, especially if a Read more