Toshi Nakamura's saved articles

Toshi Nakamura

Just “okay”? That’s kind of discouraging. Then again, I’ve played a lot of less-than-okay games this year, so this might be a step up. I just want to get attached to the characters and have fun.
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Might be a long shot but I hope this game gets released out West. Read more

The newer games, especially action-RPG, from Falcom seem to be a bit boring lately. I don’t know why, but I don’t enjoy them as much I a did. Ys 7 and Celcetta are so generic, and I really hate the party system. The last Falcom’s games I enjoyed were Trails in the Sky and Ys Origin and both of them are already 10 Read more

Kind of sad to hear, but it seems the dev team has a long ways to go to catch up to something like Persona in regards to more intuitive story flow and NPC interaction. I feel so many people take the kind of depth and flow of the character/story interaction in Persona and it’s a lot harder to emulate than it seems. Read more

everyone has a skeleton inside of you trying to come out

So, basically...Momonoga’s waifu?

I remember when game devs and publishers would actually hide hilarious messages inside their EULA, Blizzard Valve and EA way back when actually had their mailing address in the middle of it asking people to mail letters to them to get rebates, free posters and shirts, 5 dollar bills, and even a bag of M&Ms back to the Read more

When I read that line of the EULA, I didn’t just walk away. Read more

Actually i’m not even sure anymore. The more i look into it the more confusing it gets. The inofficial english patch arks-layer patch has been around for way longer then this summer and the game was IP locked and whatnot, but if i google it, some pages talk about official english patches, being able to connect without Read more

The only thing I’m seeing is that people no longer have to do the work around to access the Japan servers. Mind linking to what you’re seeing?
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Oh, i totally didn’t hear anything about it finally being available in the US. Guess it happened around july/august from the looks of google search? Took them godsdamned long enough. And i already invested too much time in my Character over on japan server, so unless it’s the same one and just an english client, i Read more

Now playing

While on the character side Overlord is a joy to watch, it does fall a little short on the story side. Outside of exploring the new world Momonga finds himself in, there’s very little in terms of plot and story development.

I loved how “gamey” the series was. A lot of these “trapped in a game” anime (how is that even its own subgenre?) are basically run of the mill shonen series and you’d have no idea any of it was related to a game if they didn’t actually bring it up. Overlord though, they cast spells and use abilities the way you do in Read more

One thing that struck me that I really liked about this anime was how ridiculously overpowered the main character was. Not to mention that pretty much any of his minions could easily level the floor with what that world introduced as being “strong.” Normally I tend to have mixed feelings about it, since there’s only Read more

Currently playing FFRK and FF Mobius, and a bit of DQMSL. So far I’ve only spent real money in FFRK, not necessarily because I felt I really needed to in order to progress, but I just wanted to progress a little bit faster (so I don’t miss timed events etc). Read more

That was actually a reference to fate/stay night protagonist shirou’s hilarious anime dialogues

It’s possible to change where the support character is located, by the by. If you’ve got a good main party you can start picking anyone, which is useful for the ones that have the Mashu Craft Essence that gives you 100 FP instead of the usual 25. There also exists which has a plethora of Read more

that’s alot of blade works there.